Advertising Ebook about Facebook money method via Facebook Ads ?


Sep 25, 2015
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Hello i have a question, i am going to release a ebook on a Money making niche in Facebook, when i advertise this ebook via Ads is it possible that Facebook ban me ? because my method is a bit spammy, its whitehat but facebook dont like it ;D
my method is a bit spammy

People and BHW seems to forget what spam really is - it's even in the rules that discussion about spamming is not allowed on BHW but the whole forum is overflowing with information regarding spam. Read about 'can spam act' and you get your answer...
dude wtf i am talking about the method in the EBOOK, i want to advertise via Facebook ads
dude wtf i am talking about the method in the EBOOK, i want to advertise via Facebook ads
Ok... another approach:
Use common sense! When you mention already on your own that the method is "spammy" it's more than likely that it's violating ToS of FB - which it does anyway because by ToS it's not allowed to try to make money off of facebook except when using the approved sponsors.
Do you seriously think that they allow you to promote something that violates their ToS?

If you don't believe me, read up their rules, ToS and FAQ. Or try and get your ad-acc banned...
There are ways around this with cloakers my man, but you will have to be willing to sacrifice your FB ads account if you do that. If you want to go the cloaker route, start up a new FB ads account and make sure your logging in with VPNs.