Adult And Adult Marketing , Why Most People Don't Make Money


Junior Member
Oct 5, 2008
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I was over reading a thread where a guy was telling how to make money with Sharecash with adult videos. I even posted some ways there to make it work. But most people there were to busy posting why it would not work.

Think Outside The Box

You need to think outside the box and come up with ways to make sales. Don't think why it won't work. Instead come up with ways to make it work.

In case you don't know my name is really Thomas Byers and I have made huge money in Adult and with Adult Blogs and other think outside the box methods. I have posted before but I keep seeing people say they can't make money in Adult. Well I'll tell you this its a little harder today but a average joe who's willing to put in the hours can and should be able to make $100.000 or more in a year.

But you can't be namby pamby about it worrying about adult warning pages and such bullshit as that. This is a Black Hat forum and if your going to make the big money in Adult today you must think Black Hat and you must do anything and everything to get people onto your sites both legal and illegal.

And I look at peoples sites when they show them to me and they ask me why don't I get any search engine traffic , why don't I make any sales. Well I'll tell you why they are not preselling with good suggestive text for one thing. Or they use bullshit links like " Click Here " When they should be using a link like " Click Here For A Video Of A Huge Dick In A Tiny Teen Pussy "

I see sites with tons of photos and little or no links. You need at least a paragraph of text with each blog post. And yes that is going to take work. And you must be able to write adult. You need suggestive text to make sales. You must presell people. And sell something on that blog at every price. Everything from CE Cash Email submits that are going to pay you $1.50 up to $35.00 for a porn site sign up. Cams which I see everyone trying to sell are one of the hardest things ever to sell so why try to sell them.

I think of selling Adult like fishing. And the more hooks you put in the water the better your chances of catching a fish. The person who has 10 blogs is going to be very lucky to make a sale. But the person who has 10.000 Adult Blogs in various niches will make sales.

But bottomline you must learn to sell to people. Make them curious and you have them half way to pulling out that credit card and making a purchase.

Okay there is some of my rants and in there are the real reasons you may not be making money with Adult. And listen I will do anything and everything both legal or illegal to get people onto my sites and to make the big money in Adult in today's market you must be willing to do the same thing.

I will give you this. Find you a pop under script and add it to every blog you build. In that pop under put a CE Cash pay per submit site or a porn site with a free trial. People love free and they will go for free if you present it right.

Also stop just saying " That Won't Work " and instead come up with ways to make it work.
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Well, I have some new way I want to try, but I still need a source for adult content. Or should I really steal it somewhere and pray the owner won't find it or won't try to get my contact details through my (adult) hoster?
Your titles in your blog posts are very important. That and key words. Use a key word tool like the free one at Word Tracker to pick your titles and key words. Google also has a free key word tool you can use.

And keep in mind that when you post a blog post to one of your blogs you need a paragraph of sales text that contains your key words and presells your customer. Use suggestive adult text in your links and in your titles.
Well, I have some new way I want to try, but I still need a source for adult content. Or should I really steal it somewhere and pray the owner won't find it or won't try to get my contact details through my (adult) hoster?

Use sponsor content from adult sponsors or purchase a set of photos quite cheaply from a adult content store like say Paul Markum.
The problem is, I don't know any adult sponsors or adult content stores. Do you know some more you could tell me (PM)?
Well, I have some new way I want to try, but I still need a source for adult content. Or should I really steal it somewhere and pray the owner won't find it or won't try to get my contact details through my (adult) hoster?

The owner may not find it, but Goog will. If you're the least bit worried about SEO you wouldn't want to do this. Instead, try rewriting the stuff to atleast 50% uniqueness. Then you should be fine. Other thing you could do is make the pages that you have stolen content unreachable to Goog via the robots.txt file. I've done it dozens of times. This way you could still steal large portions of content and yet be able to rank high in the SE's.
I warn you guys first hand, do NOT waste all your efforts with SEO - this is why the majority of adult IMers fail - you cannot SEO adult websites since most search engines eliminate "adult" keywords from the search. Adult IMers have to take a different approach..
I warn you guys first hand, do NOT waste all your efforts with SEO - this is why the majority of adult IMers fail - you cannot SEO adult websites since most search engines eliminate "adult" keywords from the search. Adult IMers have to take a different approach..

I have many first page key words for some very popular adult key words and on some of them I have had the first page for 4-5 years. But you want to go for long tail key words. 3-5 word key word phrases.
What would be the purpose of buying the content? To post them on the blogs to promote the CEcash links?
What would be the purpose of buying the content? To post them on the blogs to promote the CEcash links?

To promote anything with but really their is no reason to ever buy content. You can get content from CE Cash to promote the CE Cash program with.