> Bought a facebook account with 2 business managers on it.
> Bought proxies from that country, imported the cookies.
> Was able to log in to the facebook account directly without entering the password, NICE!
> Made an admanager account on one of the business manager accounts.
> Made two different ads on it, ran it for two days.
> Got locked out of the account, it told me either verify email or phone number.
> Tried logging in to the mail, it won't allow me it says I need to verify with an associated gmail account.
> No way to verify the phone number.
> Contacted live chat support, it shows them as online but receiving no replies.
> Made a ticket, waiting for it.
> Sent a message on skype, waiting for it.
I hope that you can solve this problem, and what I mean by solving is being able to confirm the account, or being able to log in to the mail address, or being able to receive a text message on the phone number. Right now I'm locked out of the account with my credit card associated to the account, so I wouldn't want a new account. I'm curious on if you would be able to solve this.
Thanks, and waiting to hear from you.