AC Question, Help Please


Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
Alright so I have been hearing a lot about associated content lately so I though I should stop being lazy and check it out. So I did, signed up for an account and submitted an article.
Now I am not too familiar with the cpanel and all the terms so I have a few noob questions regarding AC, as follows...

To start I submitted one article under Upfront payment/ Exclusive, I'm not totally sure what this means is this where they will pay you for the article not based on it's views.

And if the above hypothesis is correct, what kind of money can I expect to fetch for each article? And are there any suggestions to getting more money per article.

Thanks, and sorry for the lame questions. :p
They will offer you an upfront payment, plus you'll get X amount of money for every 1000 views your article gets. It usually takes about 7 days to get your upfront payment though.
the wait fopr getting a article reviewed is normally 10 days now.
You will receive for an average article about 3$ if you select upfront payment. Also, if you want to make more money per article, create quality articles in rare niches. Then length of the article does not really matter.
Some here have said the minimum payment for article is $3 $4 etc... but they have paid me $1 for an article. Why? Well they said the article covers a niche that has been widely discussed on AC. But my financial articles have always made me $4 and above.

So what i will advice you is to start writing and figure out for yourself what pays the most. I also noticed that when i have just a couple of articles they pay higher than when i have about 10 (just my observation).

Good Luck with them
Whoah, don't start this as a flaming thread mate, whilst ewik was a bit inappropriate, that's not a reason to kick off. Anyway, as ytytyt explained, the more rare and higher quality articles you can make, the more you get paid. Average articles are paid around $3 whilst over populated articles can sink to just 50 cents which I once got for keep healthy tips.
don't get to worked up...all I'm saying is there are people that get responses from's like the one I gave you just because they ask a question just like you asked....and yes they say this is a noobish question just like you stated and still get heat because they don't have as many posts as you.

moral of the story:

treat others the way you want to be treated.

Don't be a just contradicted yourself...
Alright so I have been hearing a lot about associated content lately so I though I should stop being lazy and check it out. So I did, signed up for an account and submitted an article.
Now I am not too familiar with the cpanel and all the terms so I have a few noob questions regarding AC, as follows...

To start I submitted one article under Upfront payment/ Exclusive, I'm not totally sure what this means is this where they will pay you for the article not based on it's views.

And if the above hypothesis is correct, what kind of money can I expect to fetch for each article? And are there any suggestions to getting more money per article.

Thanks, and sorry for the lame questions. :p

Yes you are correct and you can expect to get $3 to $4 per article. If you want more per article write about a popular topic and make it LONG. :)
He's Jr. VIP because he knows ALOT more than you, on other, more profitable methods.

AC is a starting base for alot of people and is not the norm for IM. He knows pure methods thats all. Hes helped me out more times than i care to mention when i've had some pretty obscure questions.

I average around $4, but there system makes no sense.

Historic guides written on a per city basis - $2.
Guide to buying a guitar - $4.

I'm sure a guide on a city is a smaller niche than buying a f**king guitar! lmao. Nevermind.

Weightloss niche sucks, but everything else is OK. i get pretty good amounts for sports (specially "under the radar" stuff - SCUBA, skydiving etc.) so just knock yourself out with those!

hope this helps ;)
AC is actually very picky about their articles now. You need to find really good authentic articles in order to paid.