About to register domain for FB LIkes sliing site. Register Privately or normally?


Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
I'm about to register a domain and build a site selling FB likes, Twitter followers etc. What exactly can people see when you register a domain? My name address etc? Should I register privately? Wouldn't it be better to register all domains privately? I was going to use 1and1.com.
You'll have FB's lawyers after you very quickly with this type of site so read into that as much as you want regarding private vs public registration...
As mentioned above, how much would you like to be found?
So is that a hint to register privately lol. If I just check register privately with 1and1.com does that really mean they won't be able to get my info? Why doesn't everyone register all site privately? No one wants to give out their info.
So is that a hint to register privately lol. If I just check register privately with 1and1.com does that really mean they won't be able to get my info? Why doesn't everyone register all site privately? No one wants to give out their info.

I think you're out of your depth and should avoid messing with FB etc. They will come after you and are very litigious. Just my 2 cents.
Facebook will definetly sue you for that. Even if you use whois, still they will be after you.
Really? Even if my followers are real? Re-selling a service on BHW, but I mean as long as I'm not selling fakes I'm not doing anything ''illegal'' right? What about other sites on the first page of Google i.e. Boostlikes.com etc were they sued too?
I think you're out of your depth and should avoid messing with FB etc. They will come after you and are very litigious. Just my 2 cents.

Selling 'Likes' or even mentioning Facebook in your sales copy isn't technically illegal. I wouldn't want to go through the time and money to defend myself as a test case but its hardly an open-and-shut case.
Selling 'Likes' or even mentioning Facebook in your sales copy isn't technically illegal. I wouldn't want to go through the time and money to defend myself as a test case but its hardly an open-and-shut case.

I'm not saying it is illegal. I'm saying Facebook are very litigious and I know lots of people (even members here) who have settled out of court with them for similar and it hasn't been a nice or cheap experience for any of them...
I'm not saying it is illegal. I'm saying Facebook are very litigious and I know lots of people (even members here) who have settled out of court with them for similar and it hasn't been a nice or cheap experience for any of them...

So I guess by settling there wouldn't be a chance of them paying me a substantial amount of money to shut down the site if I'm making money?
I totally agree with everything stated above. You're going to have to think how much Facebook have compared to you. If you get sued, you'll have the best lawyers coming after you and it's likely you'll lose and have to pay thousands.
Private reg , and dont use trademarked logos, text or any other content. DOnt use word facebook, make a completely new and unique logo of fb, and dont claim it to be fb. Just be as brief as possible like , likes, shares , followers,. be legally clear of any problems that can occur.Btw if your outside usa like in india you dont have to worry about it that much
So I guess by settling there wouldn't be a chance of them paying me a substantial amount of money to shut down the site if I'm making money?

You will not be the payee, you will be the payor.
Yes, it will be better to register it privately because if you have a contact form on your site then no one will be interested to know the site owner details. Its better to keep it private as some people have bad experience with particular country before so if you too elong from same country then it result in losing sales as well.