About domains and subdomains


Oct 1, 2009
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If you have a domain let's say domain.com and if I want to install a few subdomains is it better for the submdomain to be like this subdomain.domain.com or domain.com/subdomain and if will the subdomains be indexed separately on search engines or will the subdomains will be just like another post/page on the domain for the search engines
The term subdomain is used to refer to the prefix to your domain (e.g., subdomain.domain.com). Since subdomains are in reality just folders in your server, subdomain.domain.com is usually accessible also as domain.com/subdomain. But in this latter form, it is not usually called subdomain anymore.

Take note. When implementing wildcard subdomain like that used by WordPress MU, the subdomain does not physically exist, but simply managed by WordPress.
i think it should be like: subdomain.domain... that is more accessible.... :)
and will it be seen separately by search engines?
for example searching for the word "pics" for pics.domain.com will it be only a page of domain.com or an entirely other site for the search engine?
this is the doubts I'm trying to solve too, how google manage subdomains...and if worth to set up autoblogs in them...