A story about myself and my business

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Regular Member
May 1, 2013
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I’ve joined this forum in May, 2013 but I never introduced myself. I feel like now is the perfect time to do it.

Funny thing I don’t even remember how I came across BHW but I know for sure it helped in lots of ways in my long Instagram journey.
I started my first account back in 2014 in tattoo niche. It was that great time with no algorithms around. :)
I ran it on a pure love to tattoos and I just posted the content I truly loved.

With some techniques and methods I learned here I was able to grow that account to few hundred thousands followers. Never fake followers.
At the time I decided to grow another account. Again, with proved working methods I grew it to few hundred thousand followers.
Then I decided to buy another stagnating but high quality account and grow it. So I did it.

Current following is 1,1M+ // 380,000+ // 224,000+

Last year we expanded to Pinterest.

You will see some graphs and analytics attached below.

I started it as a hobby and funnily my first ever sale was actually initiated by client who wanted to get on the page to promote himself in search of followers and clients.
I thought about it and decided to start promoting tattoo artists on my pages. Since then and until this day my only source of income.

In my team there are only me and two assistants who are basically doing most of the work.
For 3 or 4 years in the beginning I was doing all the work by myself.
I could't say it’s entirely self-sustaining business but it’s definitely an easily managed business as it is right now.
Tattoo artists come back for another promotions because it helps them with clients. Sneak peek into some data: ~10% of all the customers are either return or repeat customers.
And those 10% came by themselves. We don’t even do email marketing.
Clientele TOP-5 countries are Western Europe and North America.

Last week I decided to take a look how much I made in these 5.5 years of me doing this basic monetization. I just hit €250,000.
I know, it’s just a quarter of a million. But I got really impressed by that number.
Knowing it basically came here itself, without me actually pushing it, that is very fucking cool.
And I remind that those are only direct promotion sales. The audience is not monetized.

All in all honestly thank you for this community and thank you if you read to this point.

(I hope I won’t be epically banned for this thread because I didn’t read the rules carefully enough.)
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That is a great journey, wishing you find a great sales man for your strategies and coming success.
Jeez, I wish I got into Instagram in 2014 and not at its peak in 2018 when Zuck went crazy.

Well done g.
Jeez, I wish I got into Instagram in 2014 and not at its peak in 2018 when Zuck went crazy.

Well done g.
Sweet sweet times when you got 5k+ real active followers on a daily basis just because that’s how it worked hahaha
Thanks man!
I would suggest you to continue as you have been doing so because a sales person will ruin your genuine crowd who is already in your audience. While a good idea will be to obtain more leads via ads on fb/ig/yt for people interested in shoutouts and product sponsorship with passive methods than straight out sales pitches. I do help ppl with digital marketing but no idea if allowed to help you out since I heard you need Jr Vip to accept offers of any kind here for work, correct me if I am mistaken?
wow , nice one , thanks for your story , wish you luck and a ot of money.
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