A Simple Way To Get Keywords For Your Niche


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2012
Reaction score
Hey Guys

I am not aware of anyone having posted this method before, so forgive me if this is old news.

Just a quick tip, when doing keyword research for your niche, why not use the "Related Searches" section at the bottom of most SERPs in Google. You can practically endless suggestions and should be able build up a nice list of long tail keywords if you invest enough time into it.

Hope someone finds this useful, especially when you are like me, and prefer the "free" way of doing things ;)
related searches doesn't reflect necessarily highly searched results if im not mistaken. the best way is to check your competition via a service like ahrefs or semrush
related searches doesn't reflect necessarily highly searched results if im not mistaken. the best way is to check your competition via a service like ahrefs or semrush

True, but I'm not talking about competition. You will have to research all these keywords anyway to find the gems. It's just a quick way of brainstorming possible article topics etc for your niche. We are looking for long tail keywords here.
Thanks for contributing - I'm sure some people will benefit from your advice. I mainly use tools for KW research but the related searches function can be useful for finding long tail keywords and hidden gems on occasion.

Just remember though that finding a keyword is only the beginning. You then have to analyse the keyword and decide if it is worth attempting to rank for based upon the monthly search volume, CPC/Value and of course competition from other websites.

Edit: Didn't see your reply above before posting this..! ;)
Edit: Didn't see your reply above before posting this..! ;)
Lol, glad to assist anyways :)
I also use (free :D) tools like Google keywords tool, and learn2rank's keyword inspector for my research.

I just tend to find that the hardest part is getting good related keywords. Adwords suggestions is useless at that imo...
Google KeywordBuzz. I think it was posted either here or on WF. My bet is it was posted here but I can't remember. Great tool for exactly what you're doing...except automated. Just save the keywords to a text file (it's an option on the website) and copy them in any of your programs to check competition. :)
Google KeywordBuzz. I think it was posted either here or on WF. My bet is it was posted here but I can't remember. Great tool for exactly what you're doing...except automated. Just save the keywords to a text file (it's an option on the website) and copy them in any of your programs to check competition. :)
This guy deserves a trophy. Take some +rep instead ;)