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A question about juice, power, pr & ..stuff.


Regular Member
Dec 10, 2008
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Ok, here`s the impossible-to-answer question of the day: let`s say I`ve got a decent side about credit cards and consumer loans (no really, I do). Now, there`s a lot of competition in the niche if you`re trying to make yourself a way to #1 on G00gle with a website in English, but now we`re talking about a site in a language only 5 million people speak. I`m already on the front page; I used to be in #2 place, but something happened. Not crying myself to sleep for being #5, but #1 is better.

Yep, I talk a lot of crap, so here`s the question: in a niche with somewhat heavy competition, though no impressive competitors, how much is let`s say 5 PR3 links worth? I know it`s a lame question, but I`ve been building Angelas links for the big gold medal, and I`m going nowhere. But then, out of the blue, almost like a fairytale, I came up with this idea; yesterday I had a look at my other, older sites, and discovered that I actually had PR2 and 3 on a couple of them. Putting my link in the footer of those gotta be a lot more worth than the link from some profile on a forum that`s not even in the same niche?

So here`s the idea: what if I build 7-8 blogs within the same niche as my main site (no, not wheel-style), and just fill`em up with content, building links to them etc, and wait for the next PR update (which I hear is just around the corner), and THEN I got 7-8 blogs with 3-5 in PR AND in the same niche?

Is this even possible, would I get as much out of it as I hope?

Oh, and flaming is something I can live without.

Edit: oh, and I can easily get an almost endless number of articles for each site, if that`s what it takes. I`ve got like 2000 articles laying around, I just need to translate them.. :D And you know what, I actually translate for a living. Nice, huh?
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You can do that, but it takes some time, and you have to built a lot of backlinks to each of them.

Don't just use Angelas Profile links, look where the other sites spam their links, and check their Backlinks.

This way you can find out of 1 good site a lot of PR 2-5 Backlinks in no time.

And don't forget to build each site in your niche on another IP or at least every second site.
This isn't the way I'd do it. In such a hard to beat niche, I would expect that you need much more then you're currently proposing.

My personal solution, if you really want to go nuts on this one site:

1. Do what you were suggesting above
2. Then make 1 huge linkwheel, and 3 smaller linkwheels
3. Supplement with mass high PR comment spam. You will need 500-1000 anchor links, should take you aboit 3 months to pull it off.

By this time, you should be the most heavily promoted site on page 1. Depending on the age of your site, you may experience a temporary penalty in the rankings but don't get scared - you will be back soon enough.
500-1000 links pr site or all together?

What`s a "huge" link wheel? 20 sites? What about smaller? If i remember correctly, you told me in another thread that 12 sites in a "regular" wheel was a ok number.

6 articles on each site?
You want 500-1000 comment spam links to be directed at your central site.

In a linkwheel for a normal keyword, 12 is a good compromise between workload and pay-off. However, if you're going for such a competitive area, 12 may not cut it.

Each site only need have 1 article, and it doesn't even have to be good quality. THe linkwheel is for Google. Done right, you will get relevance points, then your rank will increase.
Oh, ok. But you say the site only NEED one article, so will it be a total waste to put in, say, 5 articles?

Do you have a number on how many links I should have pointing to the wheel sites?

Would 3x20 sites and 1x30 sites be ok?
I'd go 1 x 26, 3 x 8 or something like that.

The real message I'm trying to send here is that for credit card keywords, you need to do a lot of promotion. Understand the sheer volume of work that needs to be done to secure that number 1 position, and get cracking straight away.

I would say that comment spam is in fact the most important element.
Nice tips on how to break tough niches Micallef, just wondering about your thoughts on if there is a noticable difference between comment spamming randomly and trying to bemore niche specific?!
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I have sites which do very well on unrelated links. I dont know how much more effective on-niche links are because they are hard to come by in sufficient numbers. However, I suspect that a portfolio of 100 on-niche links would do the job of maybe 300-500 unrelated links.
I would like to suggest you listen to Micallef.....what he's telling you is very good information. I have a site in the credit niche that we have promoted and done ok with with. The problem is for the same amount of work on other niches we have done a lot better. This means that we will be selling the credit site in the near future.

Actually I'm going to be selling off quite of few of our properties to concentrate on a few niches that I like better than others.

Anyways...think of backlinks as a vote for your site...the more votes the better in Mr. G's eyes. The other thing to consider is this...think about the purpose of your content...is it to build links or is it to get traffic.

We write content both both purposes....link content can be crap...though ours is a bit better than crap (it's a personal thing) traffic content is very well written with the sole purpose of getting someone to click on the link in our resource box.

Have a great week all....
I'd guess that the competition has "out contented" you... look at the keyword density of your page compared the sites that beat you. More than half the time you need to adjust your keyword density of the search term to be higher than the other sites.

It's one of the big noob mistakes. Correct that first and let us know how it goes in a week or so.
I'd guess that the competition has "out contented" you... look at the keyword density of your page compared the sites that beat you. More than half the time you need to adjust your keyword density of the search term to be higher than the other sites.

It's one of the big noob mistakes. Correct that first and let us know how it goes in a week or so.
Whattayaknow, this just crossed my mind this morning. :) Thing is, I have very little content compared to my competitors. Guess I screwed up big time there, but it`s never to late to fix it.

Going to get some sleep now, have been working for the last 12-13 hours, so I should take a break. But I`ll let you know in a couple of days how it all goes when I add more quality content. :)
i suggest doing some blasts
5 pr5 links are worth way more than all those pr0 backlinks. just rmemeber that u have to have link on site with the PR not on page with pr0 of high pr site.
Yes 7 to 8 blogs is good, post as many articles on these sites as possible with links to your site. Put only one or two articles per day on each blog. Blogs should be on high PR sites.
My problem though is that I`m having such a hard time finding good links. Almost all of my links are PR0.

But Georgy, blog on high pr sites? Like Wordpress? But that doesnt matter when my blog get a big fat zero in PR anyway?
yes, by high PR sites I meant wordpress etc. but this PR0 is also useful because it is coming through PR8 or PR9, I hope you got my point.