A PM Spammer tool?


Regular Member
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone knows of a small nifty PM spammer tool for vB forums? There's this dpdollar.com guy who keeps spamming at DP. Surely he doesnt do that manually? or is xrumer the only one? really need one badly guys.......
DaKnightFall was selling a DP spammer tool. Try PMing him.
Well if you actually plan on spending some money, then contact bodeezy or frequency. There are no free tools per say unless you know how to program of course.
alright...thanks guys...will def look into getting one coded...

was looking more for a tool thats already out there....
try pm blaster, i got here but i forgot were it is, just hit the search button
There was much pm spam sometime back... but i think there has been no further development for the tool.
pm blaster is crap. i tried it on several forums and it didn't work even once.
PM blaster doesn't even work, it does not go in and empty out your message folders. When they get full you can no longer send out any PM's. Not to mention it would get hung up when trying to send messages and stop working. As blade said, pure crap!
still works for me..
you can use this if you are doing something else but you must erase the sent manually .