A good PHP encoder/encrypter


Power Member
Jan 11, 2008
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I am a coder and i just wrote a new PHP app, so i was looking at Zend, IonCube, CodeLock and the usual to protect my "stuff".

I can decode some of them myself, some apps i really ask myself how retarded the encryption must be (Code Lock :) ) if i can decode it myself without even using a 3rd party tool.

I find a pretty "ok" one which is called "Source Lock"..."ok" since i already tried to decrypt one of the files myself and couldnt do it.

It also supports locking by IP/domain (which i needed)...and it is only EU59, extremely easy to use. I am not related to them, but check it out if you look for a good PHP enrypter which is AFFORDABLE. (not hundreds of $$$ like Zend which every 5 year haxor can encrypt already :)


The only problem i had with them it took them a few hours to process my order, but i am REALLY satisfied with this thing for not even 60 bucks!
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licensed or something you can upload here?

I've been using pkp Lock-It


Anyone had experience with it?

Around $50 and works - but not sure how crackable it is


Hi Sweetfunny,

Just archived a file and uploaded it - PM'd you url


Sweetfunny cracked the code and sent me info on the app.

I thought this was a cheap replacement for Zend as I need to encode an app to deploy on a wide variety of small, shared hosting servers and this worked

Thanks to Sweetfunny for the warning before I went any further

Guess I have to check out ioncube?

Yes all they do is use a base64 variation, so all these runtime ones like Byterun, SourceCop, CodeLock, TrueBug etc can be decoded very easily. Same with Zend, you can decode a full folder of encrypted files in under a minute.. probably faster than what it took to encrypt them.

Ioncube is a different story, only a handful of people can decode it.


i decoded codelock and crap like this myself already, but i say that this for $59 was "pretty good", i dont say its perfect...but it feed my needs to protect from "avg" kindergarten hackers.

Hey i am sending you an example and i want to see whether you can decode it.

Here, have fun:

# Source code has been protected with SourceLock.
# Any attempt to reverse-engineer, debug or modify this
# file is strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted by law.
# SourceLock Pro - Licensed full version
# http://sourcelock.biz
if(!function_exists('gzinflate')){ die('<html><head><title>SourceLock Runtime Error</title></head><body><div style="margin: auto; max-width: 500px; min-height: 50px; background: #d8e5e6; color: #141424; font-family: Arial, Terminal, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; border: 1px solid #738091;"><b>The SourceLock runtime engine returns following error:</b><br /><center>ZLIB module not installed on server!</center></div></body></html>'); }
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Sweetfunny cracked the code and sent me info on the app.

I thought this was a cheap replacement for Zend as I need to encode an app to deploy on a wide variety of small, shared hosting servers and this worked

Thanks to Sweetfunny for the warning before I went any further

Guess I have to check out ioncube?


ioncube is on another level, it uses bytecode, there is not even a source LEFT anymore. So its difficult to compare against others. However, it is too fricking expensive for my taste.
I wonder how long he will take to decode the sourcelock code i pasted. I gave up since it required me to go through MANY, MANY loops of base64 decoding..so i considered it "ok" for $59, quite aware that nothing really can beat ioncube ATM.
PHP Bytecode back to PHP Source code is not impossible, there are even ways of going from x86 machine code back to working C source. Depends on how much obfuscation is applied to the bytecode.

PHP has support for reflection (accessing/modifying object/class data at runtime) so I'd imagine a clever person could use this to bypass essentially any protection mechanism. You can get around .NET and Java protection schemes using reflection too - it's a really cool feature but it makes writing secure applications for these platforms really hard.

That said, it's much more difficult than just getting a very slightly modified version of PHP to log the inputs to 'eval()' which all the non-bytecode solutions are defeated by.
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ioncube is on another level, it uses bytecode, there is not even a source LEFT anymore. So its difficult to compare against others. However, it is too fricking expensive for my taste.
I wonder how long he will take to decode the sourcelock code i pasted. I gave up since it required me to go through MANY, MANY loops of base64 decoding..so i considered it "ok" for $59, quite aware that nothing really can beat ioncube ATM.

Ioncube is not worth your time. It is so easy to decrypt that I find it no better protection than anything else out there, only you have to pay more for it.
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