A First! Indian Hit converts to $1.4 on Lospollos

Is this suppose to be the most horny guy from India who made a first adult dating CC purchase ever?

On a serious note, I have no idea what I've just read here.
This is your cut from a 150$ international PPS offer :D
Just joking... or not?
It was CC submit I guess, else 2-5 cent
About 10 Years ago I got $65 on a single sale.
Good now increase more hits and tell us the outcome :D
Not much but hey you got a conversion. Tell us more.
LOL.. I redirect all my Indian traffic to my Telegram group.. I have over 125K of them there.. to boost my pinned posts sales to people who actually have money to buy my pinned posts as they see a BIG active group LOL..
Smart, smart.