A Blue Print to Building Niche Blog that Makes $500/month


Nov 1, 2015
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Hello guys!

While browsing through the "Blogging" threads here at BHW, I found a lot of black-hatters seeking a good method to create niche Blogs that can make a lot of money. So, I thought to share a brief of my research work that I made. I hope you people enjoy the post.

1. Select Niche and Domain

Niche! Many marketers often say to choose a niche that you're comfortable. I respect their research, but I have a different approach.

I say, you should choose a niche which is in demand (1000-10,000 Searches per month) and there are 1million - 10 million "search results" (on google SERP). This is just a rough estimate. You get an Idea.

The domain name is what we often ignore, but the fact is; exact match domain (EMD) is still alive! It plays a vital role in ranking you blog/website.

Try to research your domain name to meet your exact keyword. There are numerous tools that you can make use of.

2. Keyword Research and Content Planning

Keyword research can be pain in the ass (sorry for the language). There is no one single tool that can find you all the profitable keywords.

So, I would suggest you to use at least 3-4 tools. Later, just merge your search into one spread sheet. My favourite keyword research tool is SEMrush.

Signup for a free account there and you can use a tool called "SEO Keyword Magic". Other usable tool is SEObook. These are my favourites. please share your favourite tools while commenting to this thread.

Three points you must remember are:
  • Choose Topics that will be in Demand for a long time.
  • Design this micro-niche site like a wikipedia (Write articles on everything that is related to your niche, don't miss even a single minor topic)
  • Choose keywords that are driving traffic or CPC.
For Planning what topics to write about, I use: MajesticSEO, Buzzsumo and Ahref. These are awesome tools to research topics that are trending recently.

Mind Map of Content
  • What is the [Topic]
  • How to use/install [Topic]
  • Advantages and disadvantages of using [Topic]
  • Important Facts about [Topic]

3. Setting up the micro-niche blog

Hosting - Bluehost (only $3.95/month) - Free domain
Theme - Swift Themes (plug & Play)
Essential/Recommended Wordpress Plugins -
  • "WordPress SEO by Yoast" for site SEO
  • "Akismet" - Preventing comment spam
  • "Auto Post thumbnail" for automatically generating featured image
  • "Monarch" for social bookmarking
  • "Jetpack by WordPress" for multi purposes including stats in dashboard
  • "No self Pings" to stop self-pinging
  • "Push Press" for Fast indexing
  • "Shortpixels" for image compression
  • "SEO friendly Images" as the name implies
  • "WP super cache" for caching
  • "Broken Link Checker" for checking broken links

4. Additional Steps to be Followed

Make the blog on the site SEO perfect. Take extreme care of content quality and keywords score. Make a few videos on YouTube and link them to the blog from the description generating additional traffic. Submit the site map to major search engines. Submit the blog to top 100 sire suing IMT submitter. Create logo using few online logo makers.

Creating profiles on Social Media Networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, MySpace, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, etc can help you create High authority backlinks to your website.

5. Building Links

Linking building is another huge subject that requires a lot of hard work and patience. White hat SEO is very important for your sustainable ranking. Methods like "Moving Man Method" are still a great approach to build high quality links. I will be making a post fully dedicated to strategies for building high quality links that will boost your SEO efforts and help you outrank your competitors.

Of course, above post is a just a brief blue print. I hope this post helps newbies to get started with their blogging career.

Comments are welcomed!

Can you suggest 3 best places to search for keywords, besides SEMrush?
I always get stuck coming up with a nice niche... Something that interests me but still is profitable. Any tips?
I always get stuck coming up with a nice niche... Something that interests me but still is profitable. Any tips?

Your first interest should be earning money online. If you found a profitable niche, then dig into it, learn about it or outsource content writing.

Anyway, it's better to jump in a meh niche, where you know nothing about it, but still, you can manage to turn a profit from it, rather than come 3 months later with the "perfect" one, as you'll learn many things which will be helpful for your future ventures.
give tips, tricks & advices for link building pls
Can you suggest 3 best places to search for keywords, besides SEMrush?

There are a lot of Paid and Free tools. I would like to suggest these free tools:

Answer The Public (http://answerthepublic.com) - I've used and I recommend

AdWord & SEO Keyword Permutation Generator (http://seo.danzambonini.com)
FAQfox (http://faqfox.com/)
Imforsmb.com's Bulk Keyword Generator (http://www.imforsmb.com/tools/bulk-keyword-generator/)
KeywordIn (http://keywordin.com/keyword-generator.php)
Keywords Everywhere (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/keywords-everywhere-keywo/hbapdpeemoojbophdfndmlgdhppljgmp)
Seed Keywords (http://www.seedkeywords.com/) - I've used and I recommend
SEO Book's Free SEO Tools (http://tools.seobook.com/) - I've used and I recommend
Soovle (http://www.soovle.com/) - I've used and I recommend

UberSuggest (http://ubersuggest.org/) - I've used and I recommend
Wordstream's Free Keyword Tools (http://www.wordstream.com/free-keyword-tools)

Try them out and share your f
avourite :D

I always get stuck coming up with a nice niche... Something that interests me but still is profitable. Any tips?
Hi https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/a-blue-print-to-building-niche-blog-that-makes-500-month.901082/members/security-tester.989768/,
Here is a small yet powerful tip for selecting a good niche that have capability of generating huge revenue:

The Amazon Product Departments --> https://www.amazon.com/gp/site-directory/

From here, browse though all the Product Departments (First browse products or niche that interests you). Go for a niche where you see more number of sales (see the no. of reviews on those products). But be careful, the competition shouldn't ser very very high for that product.

TIP: Keep yourself updated with the new products posted on amazon. those might have better chances for sales.

Your first interest should be earning money online. If you found a profitable niche, then dig into it, learn about it or outsource content writing.

Anyway, it's better to jump in a meh niche, where you know nothing about it, but still, you can manage to turn a profit from it, rather than come 3 months later with the "perfect" one, as you'll learn many things which will be helpful for your future ventures.

Nice one :)
give tips, tricks & advices for link building pls

Hi https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/a-blue-print-to-building-niche-blog-that-makes-500-month.901082/members/satruk.289158/,

There are numbers of great methods for building High quality authority backlinks to your website. The key to success is; dedication. I'm writing an article on how to build quality backlinks that I will share here at BHW very soon. But until then, read out this full article with patience. I've tried all these methods


I've tried almost all 21 techniques and they works like charm.

But again, you need high amount of dedication and patience. I'm sure you'll get success.

All the best

the important thing is quality content, everything else is a bonus.

A point worthy noting. But a quality content is just a content if the page is not on-page optimised. So, always use a plugin like SEO by Yoast for a better on Page SEO.

P.S. PM me (or skype me: aaanish990) if you need a Premium SEO by Yoast Plugin.
Stay tuned for my another post about 3 different tools to handle your Twitter profile for high engagement on your blog.
That is some high value content compressed into this thread! Great job OP! I'd love to hear about your guide on how to build links, and maybe even a monetization post?

Stay the best,
- Kiwi
I also started an Authority Site Journey. Hope I can get Valuable Info from your journey.

Following...Keep Updating...

Best of Luck.......
I love doing keyword research. Why does everyone seem to hate it so much? Finding a great keyword is like finding money on the ground. You people are weird. #getMoney