800,000 unique visits per month and looking to make money


Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
So I am trying to think of some ways to make money on my site which is a dating related forum. I have applied to buysellads but no return and also to one called Chitika which did approve us so I put an ad up from them this morning.

But with such an average of 800,000 unique monthly visits and impressions of 1,050,000 I was wondering who the best ad agency will be or any other ideas to make money from this.
adsense should work as long as you don't have nudity
No nudity but adult topics of conversation so unsure they would allow it.
A few people have messaged me but I dont have the min post rate to reply. Hopefully wont wait too long.
sign up for dating affiliate programs, or a CPA Network which runs them. Maybe have a custom script that appends your affiliate ID to any of the dating networks. So if a member in your forum puts a link to match.com in his forum post, the script would automatically tag on your affiliate ID
Damn 800k unique visitors :) How many members your forum has ?
Thanks I will take a look in to all of these options. Just not looking for porn to be one of the options so adult banners wouldnt be suitable.

iulianh we have 144,629 members but most of our views (74.98% exactly according to google analytic) are from search traffic.

These are exact stats so title was not correct sorry as I was looking at visits not unique visits.

78.87%New Visitor 702,203 Visits
21.13%Returning Visitor 188,120 Visits

74.98%Search Traffic 667,552 Visits
3.27%Referral Traffic 29,109 Visits
21.75%Direct Traffic 193,662 Visits

Visits: 890,323
Unique Visitors: 690,159
Pageviews: 2,707,779
Pages / Visit: 3.04
Avg. Visit Duration: 00 01 48
Bounce Rate: 32.16%
% New Visits: 72.86%

It wont let me add screen shots saying not been a member long enough but I can provide them if required. But I will look in to whats been said so far.
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Have you tried selling your website ad spaces directly?
Havnt tried anything yet as only decided to monetize on it. Have added some clicksor ads (well theyre empty ads at the moment) and have also had some offers for buying ad space which we are in discussions with a few people now.

Thanks for your ideas. I will look in to the dating offers idea next as that would be a good thing to advertise with the audience we have.
If you start sellind directly send me website details an price for each ad space. Im interested in US/UK traffic.
Just try selling the some part of your space directly ( i am sure many people will apply for it if the place your ad here banner look cool) and for the other part, use some highly converting cpa offer.
Havnt tried anything yet as only decided to monetize on it. Have added some clicksor ads (well theyre empty ads at the moment) and have also had some offers for buying ad space which we are in discussions with a few people now.

Thanks for your ideas. I will look in to the dating offers idea next as that would be a good thing to advertise with the audience we have.
damn man 800.000 unique, that's a good traffic. Try clicksor on that volume of visitors you should get good results, btw they don't mind if you have dating banners along side.
Send me the details I am interested to buy ur ad spaces
Try adult Affiliate or CPA. You can also sell your banner add

Best of luck