is there anyone available for support? its been 8-10 hours since my site is down and no one seems to be replying to my tickets. Can you please have this checked?
Hello, we apologize for the delay all tickets are answered in the order they are received. We were a little backed up from our huge black friday sale. Please PM me your ticket # and I will see to it that it is taken care of. We do not have any tickets in the queue that are over 8 hours at this time. Also, you are more than welcome to PM me personally anytime you feel our support is not living up to your expectations. We strive for customer satisfaction, which means we must take care of customer issues as they come in with the same attention regardless of their plans.
i just got a reply and replied back as well. ticket no: #840522
Not yetI'm glad they got your nameserver issue taken care of. PM me if you need anything further.
Not yetDropped in another ticket.. There is some mess. Its been over 2 hours.. Hope you will fix it soon.
Do you sell Windows SSD VPS servers? and Windows Dedicated servers? looking for 1g line
Hi, if I'm trying to register for the medium package from the link: "Medium $4.20/month $35 a year!*3 Years for $87.48!" something is going wrong, i filed all the required details, after clicking on "place order" the page get duplicated, its showing 2 times the registration form the first one is empty but the second one under is filed out from before but there is no error message whats can be wrong, but anyway Im alredy register from the link in the menu bar, and after i make the paymant so its fine. if interested about the issue here is th ss:
Do your servers support the following specs for a couple of scripts:
- PHP >= 5.4
- MCrypt PHP Extension
- PDO Extension (enabled by default)
- php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default)
- MySQL, Postgres, SQLite or SQL Database Server.
Please let me know via PM or this thread....Thanks!
- PHP>= 5.5.9
- mod_rewrite module enabled
- openssl or mcrypt extension
- intl extension
- curl extension
- dom extension
- MySQL 5.1.10 or greater
oops. one more set of requirements....can you verify you can enable/support all of the above plus these:
- PHP >= 5.5.9
- PDO PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- GD PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- Zip PHP Extension
I sent a PM but figured I would ask here in case it helped others as well:
I would like to setup and account because you answered my questions that your meet the requirements of a couple of php scripts that my sites run on.
I have a couple of sites, so I want to make sure that the "large" hosting account that comes with cpanel is a multi domain or reseller account where I can run several domains ect...
Also, I did not see a place to input the BHW coupon code, is that integrated now or am I missing something. I was going to buy the BLACK FRIDAY LINK you posted in here or similar best deal.
as addon domains, are they subdomains or will their .com addresses work, just as if they had their own cpanel account on the server...?
I will look into the VPS, I assume those are the ones on the same page and offer...Thanks. Do those meed the same requirements I needed with the shared for my php scripts?