$$5k dollar business$$ Need to sell !advice!


Apr 9, 2008
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Hey guys I am selling my business . :( Yes I am sad about this . But it has to go . It is needed to go .

But anyways I set the price for 5k on site point . As it makes 500 a month but can make more easily .

This is kinda heart breaking to me . i spent a lot of time on that website . Believe it or not . And money advertising it . Time spent talking to customers . Getting to become even friends with some of my customers .

This is basically my baby . My lil bambino . But beacuse of need it HAS to be sold . so far I have had 3 people contact me wanting to know refers where traffic comes from how I get my advertisers . Questions that someone who wanted to start there own business would ask . so I figured they are just scamming assholes trying to start tehre own business . So I kindly told them that some of that info would be told at time of purchase and that the rest will be sent in a zip file . And I send them my Awstats minus refer log and paypal screens .

I nearly cryed putting up the auction . Is that sad or what ? As it was my first business .

So I quess my big question is how can I get a buyer for it . As the people looking at the auction will get less and less everyday . I need this sold and I need it sold QUICKLY .

I already said I would give a plan to grow the business so they can make more money . I also just payed for a web 2.0 marketer to market my site . 500.00 that is included .

This site is worth every penny as like I said it does make 500.00 a month .

I need it sold FAST please help with some suggestions .....


*trimbles in fear* *looks around for any sign of snowwhite*
My quick .02:

I would completely remove all mention of why you are selling the site (hard times or no), and just jump straight into the business proposition.

Also, you might want to clarify things a little bit. You state that the business makes money by selling pop-under ads, but when someone visits the site, it is clearly selling traffic. This is going to confuse a lot of people.

Again, no need to elaborate on why you are selling the site, or to plug your preferred host (you can do that as you close the deal). Think like someone who might actually spend several thousand dollars to buy the site, they want to see numbers, and they want to see them quickly. If it takes you more than one to two paragraphs of explaining the business before you get to the numbers, you will lose most of your audience.

So, the pitch is this:

  • Low overhead
  • Demonstrated ability to pull $500+ in one month
  • Massive growth potential

Now for the tough part - people will want to know much more about how you are making your money before they part with theirs. Also, the business has very little history, and you have not provided much in the way of details concerning how much time is required to run it.

A business that makes $500 a month, or more, on autopilot might be worth $5K to someone, but a business that makes the same, but requires 5+ hours a week of work to get there is not going to gather too much interest.

My final thought: Knowing what you know now, how much money would it take you to build your site again, in one month? If the honest answer to that question is less than what you are trying to sell your site for. . .

Best of luck!
Umm try that and see if that is better . I just tried to make it as quick and simple as possible.

And to be honest I really do not think I could regenerate that type of profits in one month . But the cost would be time . Also earning peoples trust . The paying for reviews . The paying for advertisement . The paying to have the website built . I do not know how to build a website . I would have to pay out the nose so honestly before I could make those profits again i would most definately have to spend at least that much in one month . Or just do work it up withing 3 or 4 months spending very little .

As it is I have spent about 4k on that website just to get it produced (design And most recently marketing , Hosting etc etc etc paying people spending money on reviews . By giving them free traffic to test .etc.etc.etc. Believe it or not it all adds up) and alot of time. So yeah 4k plus 1k for my time is worth it.
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Not to burst your bubble, but I have the template your developer used for your site. Honestly, he was selling website traffic businesses on ebay for $9.99 4-6 months ago.

It is almost identical. I would ask your developer about that for sure, especially if you paid $4,000.

who said i spent 4k on the design ?? I read and reread everything can not see where that was said? i was talking about it costing 4k to be produced website design hosting advertisement reviews etc etc etc . But no where on there I see it cost 4k for a website design . Good lord have mgihty that would be one heck of a design for 4k .

then again I have yet to even see this on ebay for 9.99 either so I guess we in the same boat . I did see one like it on ebay for 179.00 and that kinda made me upset . Though it may have started out at 9.99

But I did lower the bid to 350 but kept the reserve at 5k Just to get some more action.

Not to mention I just paid a freelancer to do some web 2.0 marketing for 500.00 whcih I included in the 4k.
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I wouldn't discout the people who are asking the questions about traffic as scammers. I'd probably be asking the same questions. Knowing what I know now, it's relatively "easy" to manipulate traffic and rankings with some paid links and a comprehensive blog farming strategy just to name a few. One could point those links to a site, sell it today and then tomorrow start pointing those links to a different site and watch the site you just sold die a slow and painful death.
I wouldn't discout the people who are asking the questions about traffic as scammers. I'd probably be asking the same questions. Knowing what I know now, it's relatively "easy" to manipulate traffic and rankings with some paid links and a comprehensive blog farming strategy just to name a few. One could point those links to a site, sell it today and then tomorrow start pointing those links to a different site and watch the site you just sold die a slow and painful death.

Ok and so referal logs is going to help that? No . The people i have question me where not interested in buying my site . there goal was to dupe my site . I am 90 percent sure on it . They did not ask buyer questions . they asked questions about how to market it and wanted to see referal logs .

Well if you think I am actually dumb enough to show you where I advertise to give me the best results come on man I was not born yesterday. They get that information when they buy the website . If some other MORON wants to share that information tell them where to buy place banners where to advertise how to advertise before they sell the website to them that is there problem . Specially to people with 0 post count .

Sometimes you just have to use a little bit of common sinse .

Did you really mean that statement??? Would you have a website and share all your info about it to someone you do not know . Information that makes you money ? Information that if it got out they could become your competitor . If this website does not sell I will still have to make money off of it to recoop my losses any way it goes . If it does sel I am sure the new owner will not like a bunch of new competition . I am going to stop there because tehre is a bunch more to say .

But anyone can tell the diffrence between someone wanting to buy a website and someone trying to scam information form you . So please do not insult me i know the diffrence.
Here is my input. If I were looking to purchase a site like this, I would want to know where the traffic was coming from, just to make sure the traffic is legit.

Now, it is up to you on if you want to disclose that info before you sell it. But, here is a suggestion and please take it without getting defensive. You put a post on here asking for advice and opinions. Other members have posted advice and suggestions. You then reply to them in a defensive manner saying that they do not know what they are talking about and how they are wrong and you are right. If that is the case, why did you even ask for help in the first place.

Now, please take this advice in the best possible way. If you feel the need to reply to my post and state how I do not know anything and you are right, by all means do so. But I think people will hold back on commenting in the future because they do not want the hassle.
If there was only a way to give them that information without giving up snesative information . But mayhaps I should just say screw it and give them everything they buy it cool if not than I just have to worry about sky rocketing ad prices than .

Wish there was a middle ground . I just deleated that thread so that people will start wanting to know all about how i advertise and where and how much money it cost to advertise my site on xx site and how long the ad blocks last etc etc etc. I do not wish to give up but it just seems so hopeless .

I have not gotten a pm about it in a 4 hours and i think I may have missed the boat :( Well looks like I should tell my sister we will have to go hardcore and sleep under a bridge for a minute :P Just kidding .

Ok so now I am going to give up all this information and it does not sell where should be the next place to list it *besides ebay*?
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OK I took a chance and followed your guys advice.
The only other guy to PM me I sent him everything ina hand basket .

I shared my concern with him as well as I am an upfront type of person . He told me no worries he IS a competitor but he would like to add my site to his network . Well no hear back from him yet . But it sounds promising .
This site doesn't seem worth $5k to me.

The money you are making I could see someone making without a website and just marketing directly to people like us. if the traffic you send is good people will be repeat customers.

Seeing the fact that you only had one $500 month and right after that fell back to around $100 tells me this isn't a site with a market yet.

I could buy the template for cheap according to other posts above. I could buy a domain then market my site/service myself and if I am any good I should be able to equal your numbers.

If you site was automated with nearly zero effort needed on the buyers part maybe someone would pay $5K if it had a history of $500+ months. But truthfully this doesn't look like a business venture worth buying. I think you flipped this business too fast. And if you have spend $4K to make less then $1k that's not a ROI that any smart marketer would be interested in.
Well not to worried about it anymore . My basis for selling it as I do not wish to sell it was because of a need I had . It was the only thing of value I had even if I lost a little long as I had the money to suit my needs is all I was looking for.

But I have come up with another solution to my problem as for some strange reason the past 2 days I have been getting search engine traffic for some really long tail keywords I am ranking number one for . I think it has more potential and needs to be developed a little more .

Alexa now has a pretty little graph when I look up my site . Yesterday I had a daily rank of 49k !!! Yes not 490k a daily rank of 49k !! That is something to be proud of. do not believe it check it out for yourself look at yesterdays rank it states 48,864


I have not used any cheat software or any of that other crap to obtain that rank . And as of now I am going to keep it as I really think that this other plan of mine just may work .

So the need for that 5k is still there just going about it a diffrent route . I no longer have to sell my little baby .

But thank you everyone for your help And a special thanks mattstrike who helped me come up with the solution . If it was not for him and me brainstorming I would have never thought of it ...
Hey if you think you can make money with this site go for it.

Likek I said this site was being flipped way too early. if there is cash to be made then make it.
hehe well I do make some money for it and I actually want it for mroe syntemental value than anything else .

I think it also has alot of potential looking through my stats .

But you are also probably right . My investment though I can recap . I know this without a shadow of a doubt . It does make money I just half way wander where the heck does all my traffic go when they get to the webpage . I am getting a whole hecka lotta traffic .

Before this month I was converting at a rate at about 1 in 50 and the traffic was free so that was good . Now it apears that I am converting about 1 in 200 . Not quite sure why the jump . The serge in traffic is from search engines . Site Point and squidoo and hubpages and propellar and wordpress and blogs and and and and Banners ..

Before this month it was strictly almost from forums . And I presold on the forums . So people where eager to buy .