500 links from one site to mine - that ok?


Junior Member
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
A fan of my website placed a link on their wordpress template - so every page on their site that has a unique URL links to me - so I have hundreds of links back from one site - is that ok or will it raise an eyebrow with G? (The site with the OBL's has good standing - probably PR 3 - and hasnt been blacklisted or anything).
500 links is fully OK. make sure it isn't a link exchange though.

However, in bigger scale i had a pretty bad experience (500k links on a new website)
I think you are talking about the sitewide links. Matt Cutts had spoken about this some time back

Also according to my experiment such links are considered to be of very high quality(Site with a good PR and DA is bonus). I saw of my friend rank for a super competitive term with such link. So it works very well. About raising a flag? Check the video to get the answer

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This forum is the best - thanks guys - really appreicate it.
All advice here keeps using the term "site-wide". I have a domain sending me 200+ backlinks (all genuine/ethical/relevant) but it is far from site-wide. I assume this advice (and Matt Cutts' vid) still apply?