$5 for the best traffic technique....within 24 hours


Elite Member
May 9, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys. This is a simple thread. I know you might be thinking that $5 isn't much but thats all I have in my paypal for now. I will increase the amount in the next contest. You can buy a domain name with these $5....There is a coupon in here.

So the contest is simple :

Post the easiest and the best traffic method that you have.

The post that is thanked the most will win. The contest lasts for 48 hours OR 50 replies, whichever is earlier.

Well there is some information on here, looks, like you can not figure it out. I doubt that elites will sell you their best technique for $5.
I know it is for the ones who do not mind a free domain....thanks anyway
Choose your keyword based on volume Google KeyWord Search External.

If you cannot get the keyword.com use .org
If you cannot get one of those, choose a keyphrase and get the .org or .com

TRICK: Google is not as smart as you think.
If you can't get the domain keyphrase.com you can used phrasekey.com
That is to say it does not matter much which order you place the keywords
in the domain.

So now you have a domain. Host it.
In your index file, use a two table design LOADED with keywords, like so:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="keywords" content="  KEYPHRASE KEYPHRASE KEYPHRASE KEYPHRASE  ">
<body bgcolor=white>
<table border=0 width=1024>
<td align=center vAlign=top width="50%">
<font face=arial size=4><B>
<a href="KEYPHRASE.html" title="KEYPHRASE" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><font color=red>KEYPHRASE</font></a><br><br>
<a href="KEYPHRASE.html" title="KEYPHRASE" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><font color=red>KEYPHRASE</font></a><br><br>
<a href="KEYPHRASE.html" title="KEYPHRASE" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><font color=red>KEYPHRASE</font></a><br><br>
<a href="KEYPHRASE.html" title="KEYPHRASE" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><font color=red>KEYPHRASE</font></a><br><br>
<a href="KEYPHRASE.htm"  title="KEYPHRASE" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><font color=red>KEYPHRASE</font></a><br><br>
<a href="KEYPHRASE.htm"  title="KEYPHRASE" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><font color=red>KEYPHRASE</font></a><br><br>
<a href="KEYPHRASE.htm"  title="KEYPHRASE" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><font color=red>KEYPHRASE</font></a><br><br>
<a href="KEYPHRASE.htm"  title="KEYPHRASE" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none"><font color=red>KEYPHRASE</font></a><br><br>
<td align=center vAlign=top width="50%">
<img src="keyphrase.jpg" alt="KEYPHRASE" title="KEYPHRASE">
<img src="keyphrase.gif" alt="KEYPHRASE" title="KEYPHRASE">
<img src="key-phrase.jpg" alt="KEYPHRASE" title="KEYPHRASE">
<img src="key-phrase.gif" alt="KEYPHRASE" title="KEYPHRASE">

Use that exact template. Even the IMAGES will rank high.
Scrape ...or better yet ...create images that have EXACTLY what those
people looking for the keyphrase want to see ...or the following text

For a Great

If you want super fast ( but risky due DMCA ) scrape whole pages
that are ranked high for your keyphrase ... leave everything the same
other than an IMAGE LINK ( showing your "CLICK HERE" image )
right at the top of the page which goes to your sales page on your new
domain and turn their text the same color as the backround so your ad
is all they see.

Then link these off your mainpage with invisible links at the bottom
( turn the text same color as background ) Google only cares if you
are using adwords, so I have found out with my experiemnts.

Put the keyphrase link on a few wordpress and blogspot blogs.


Eventually, you will have good rank for keyphrases with 6M results +
( mine usually end up at position # 4 - 6 in a few weeks and then I
can decide if I want to do affiliate stuff or develop the site....or
sell it ... or redirect visitors to another site of mine ... or lease that
option to someone ...free trial ...if it works, he'll keep paying.

The importnat thing is that this all takes about an hour
one you get templates going and can duplicate over and over


You wait until they "ripen" before spending more time.
Of course you can build a list if you want by offering
something free ( link delievered by autoresponder )
just for emailing you ...gives you a real estimation
of the traffic there.

If you want a real, live example, PM me with your clickband account affiliate id (username)
and I will give you a special gift on Dec 1st, too.
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1)One of the best method to get some free traffic to your site is through TRAFFIC EXCHANGE NETWORKS or TEXT AD EXCHANGES The best part about traffic exchanges is you will get some free traffic to your site which can only help.
2)Another free traffic method is using articles to drive it their. Writing articles and submitting to article directories will drive traffic to your site and it's a great free way that people are using more today than ever before.
3)Social networking is where you meet people like yourself and you can exchange ideas about growing your business. The best part about social networking is the relationships that are built through these organizations. These are great traffic builders for your business.
4)Using splash pages and a free gift to drive traffic to your sites. A splash page is a fancy designed or even a generic page that let's you give away a free gift in exchange for their email address and name.. Sure they may only sign up for the free gift, but you now have an email address to market to and their taken to your web site.
5)Blogs is probably the hottest thing right now in Internet marketing and it gives you a way to get tons of free traffic to your site in various ways.
6)Some free traffic methods that still work well, but have been overlooked are free classified ads. Free classified ads are still used on the Internet and contrary to popular belief they do work. People visit them and actually see what people have to offer. Classified ads don't pull like they once did, but don't kid yourself they are still a valuable resource. I've saved the last two as they are my favorite.
7) The last and in my opinion one of the best ways is to visit lots of forums. Forums let you create a signature file and most will let you post free ads to drive even more traffic to your web site. Each day new forums are put up and it doesn't look like that will stop anytime soon. Forums are one of the best free traffic methods that exist today.
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alexaassassin Thank you!
what is the special gift? can i get it also?
Ok, its not free but dirty cheap. (No i am not an affiliate or tied to the site but do use them and the site i use them with actually does good in alexa and they have good ctr) Now that that is out of the way here you go. cmkmarketing (dot) com. just look. and please don't flame its just a tidbit of information. You can do 1000 worldwide bulk for 99 cents. etc.
You people are too complicated. Just use yahoo answers. Get many different IPs and accounts. Make a post about a topic related to your site and then get on another IP with a different account and give an answer.

Hope this helps!
I am not in it to win and if for some reason I did someone could have the domain, but if this counts but I had a plug in before for my blog, it was a twitter plug in and it was linked to my twitter account, whenever I updated my blog it let everybody on twitter know that it had been updated and I got massive amounts of traffic from there, I wouldn't use fake traffic because it is usually shite no offence, there are the odd 1 or 2 out there who can provide real traffic, but the twitter one is the 1 I have had the best success with so far.

The easiest and simplest way to drive traffic is Press Release Submission.

The easiest method to the best traffic is BUY GOOGLE!