4 People bashing my site in the top 10


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
yahoo answers.

They are making customers demand refunds.

How2get them away?
Yikes dude! this can't be fun. Hmmm do u know who these people are or have u pissed of anyone recently that might have decided to go on a bashing spree? I was victim of a similar incident some time ago..I found that the best way to handle this crap is to do proper reputation management, so simply go to the posts created that are bashing ur site and respond as the site owner justifying ur actions and also making it clear that the person posting these complaints is a disgruntled employee or something.. then also create another profile in the same forum and post a postive review about ur company/site something like "I have dealt with XYZ company/site for a number of years and I have never had a single complaint about their quality of service"
Done and done, people seem to be uninterested in reading the replies.
Put up some web 2.0 or Blog platforms to counteract these Scam report sites.

Pretty annoying but this is simple reputation management problem that can be fixed in time :)
Put up some web 2.0 or Blog platforms to counteract these Scam report sites.

Pretty annoying but this is simple reputation management problem that can be fixed in time :)

Thanks, working on this, will update with results.
pretty sad if that's true. Try to have few posts on blogger as well saying few sites are lying off their tongues. You could possibly add a few proofs to justify your case as well, I have seen blogger posts gaining google's top rank much faster compared to other sites so that's worth a try
Have they posted clickable links from the reports on their sites to your site?
If they have, put in some code that checks the referring site - if it comes from the sites slagging you off redirect the viewer to some nasty site (goatse!). Then start a report up somewhere saying they are making people go to bad sites (or even point it at malware sites and say they are pushing malware ;))

Evil, possibly ;)
:DDD excellent idea fatboy :) this is really a backup plan (well at least you can turn the situation the other way round).
The tactics depends hugely on the nature of the website. Possibly, you might apply the new initiatives to make it possible to manage online reputation, when links should be removed on the demad of the person to whom it might concern. I cannot attach the link to the article here, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.