3 Easy Steps to Blank Your Referrer Information and Hide it from your Affilliate Manager


Oct 20, 2008
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Ah.. blanking the referrer. Haven't we all been there, scratching our heads, trying to figure out how to prevent the AM from seeing our Blackhat landing page.

If you are doing blackhat stuff, blanking your referrer is crucial unless you want to get banned from the affiliate network.

This forum is filled with blanking reffer threads and new ways to do them.

But the thing is, if you are not doing heavy whitehat volume, then your affiliate manager will start asking questions about all your refferer info being blank.

Plus its a crap load of work.

I used to do the double meta refresh with the if (referrer=""), but I hear it still leaks info sometimes. Plus you lose out on a ton of opera and chrome users.

So here's how you can do it, hassle free.

And the answer is ...

are you ready ... ?

www dot prosper202 dot com

Yes, we all know its a keyword-tracking tool, but it does a lot more than that.

While adding the links, you are giving the option of cloaking the link.
This will not only prevent your keywords, but also your landing page information from going through. So the only info that the affiliate manager now has, is the url where you have installed prosper202. (I suggest getting a separate domain for it)

Here's how you do it. Install prosper202 on a domain and subdomain. Read the tutorials a bit (takes only 30mins or so). Now you're ready to go.

On step three, here's what you do:

Just turn Cloaking to "On by default" and there you have it, all your links are cloaked.

What's more, the affiliate manager will never ask you any questions since he will know that you are using a conversion tracking script.

I do a lot of blackhat and have just joined the forum. Must say its a treasure-trove, you guys rock :D

Looking forward to participating more and making some new friends.


PS: I lied about the 3 easy steps (neat trick to catch your attention, huh? :p ), there's oinly 1 step. But isn't that even better.
Thanks for the help! This will definitely help me cloak some of my "special" landing pages
thanks zack. I need to investigate pros per a bit more, How do these guys make money?
I share hosting so I best use the .com version.
So the affil managers, when checking referrer, will see a site that has nothing on it? Isn't that suspicious? Am I reading this right?
Im afraid this doesnt work 100% just to warn ya. I discussed this with them(prosper 202 team) at beginning of summer on there forum.I have tried an tested it may differnet ways.
90% is covered by junk traffic with certain browsers still passes the refer.
i believe cloaking is to hide your keywords from your affilaite manager. it doesnt hide/blank your referrer. if at best you dont want to blank your referrer(you'd want to fake it, but not blank it). its a great excuse for your AM to not give you your commissions, etc....
thanks zack. I need to investigate pros per a bit more, How do these guys make money?
I share hosting so I best use the .com version.
They dont make any money, they plan to do it in the long run. There are a few ads though.

So the affil managers, when checking referrer, will see a site that has nothing on it? Isn't that suspicious? Am I reading this right?
Say I installed the script on zacktracking.com, then the AM will see zacktracking.com as the referrer.

Im afraid this doesnt work 100% just to warn ya. I discussed this with them(prosper 202 team) at beginning of summer on there forum.I have tried an tested it may differnet ways.
90% is covered by junk traffic with certain browsers still passes the refer.

What do you mean by "90% is covered by junk traffic"?

I have talked to them pretty recently and they seem very confident that it doesnt pass the referrer.

I've made quite a bit from my b/h sites and have got no problem at all. And all I've done is use prosper202.

Either way, people, use it at your own risk. It's not my script and I can't guarantee anything. Just an honest recommendation for a fellow blackhatter who has received his cheques ;)

I'd love to hear more from your experience with cloaking with prosper, though, roguehat.

i believe cloaking is to hide your keywords from your affilaite manager. it doesnt hide/blank your referrer. if at best you dont want to blank your referrer(you'd want to fake it, but not blank it). its a great excuse for your AM to not give you your commissions, etc....

This changes your referrer info to the domain where you have installed the script.

Hence both your keyowrds and b/h site are hidden from any third party (Affiliate Manger, et al)
Ok , first I was the one in the forum who informed wes of were to look in direct track networks to see the refer. With cloacking , on use findology ,advertzy ,buy hits cheap ect 90% with show the prosper tracking link other 10% passes the refer of the traffic source. I see its mostly fire fox browsers passing the refer. So test it yourself.

you can search "scrub the refer" in there forum an youll see the thread and I discuss seeign the refer n the direct track networks, if direct track sees it then the other ones do also.

"Ok , to see the refer in direct track head into stats area. select your date range. pick the offer with the clicks. Look to the right an see banner stats button it says "view" on it,click it. Now click on the number in the "clicks" column. Theres your refer."

Heres a test i did for ya last night ( I edited out my url and cd # so..)
^ Wow, I didnt know that, thanks much for pointing it out.

I'll try with a direct track network too, today. What do you think about non-direct track networks, esp Hy-dra, Ne-ver-blue and ma-x-bount-y?
Why not just double meta-refresh?
Because, like I said in the OP, it will show your tracking domain as referrer, and hence your AM will not tend to get suspicious that easily.

Plus, you can actually track your campaigns, even if they are b/h, thereby increasing profits even more.
I just installed it and added a few offers to test it, with the cloacking option enabled, and depending how the url of the afflink is constructed, some of them open fine and some get screwed up with that subid thing, it adds a number at the end of the url, which causes the link to not open correctly.
Any workaround to this besides putting a DMR first and use that within Prosper? That would be too much work.

Because, like I said in the OP, it will show your tracking domain as referrer, and hence your AM will not tend to get suspicious that easily.

Plus, you can actually track your campaigns, even if they are b/h, thereby increasing profits even more.
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Yea, it uses integers as subids. That's how it works.
I suggest you take a couple of hours to read and watch their tutorials - it really clears up things quite well.

When adding a new affiliate link/campaign, you need to leave the subid field blank, so that prosper can add its own.

So the link you add should be something like: "http://affurl.com/whatever&subid=".
"=" should be the last character.

sherly21 said:
it's work with non direct track network
Are you absolutely sure? It doesnt report in sites like azoogle, nba, hydra and maxbounty?
What do you think about non-direct track networks, esp Hy-dra, Ne-ver-blue and ma-x-bount-y?

If you were asking me if the refer shows up on the other networks besides direct , well I would not know for sure , but I would bet a good penny it does show up. I know for a fact hydra does.How? they sent me a screen shot with refer data so...If this is what you were asking me.
any1 tested does this work with iframe ? =) since atleast myself i had problems to get the credit with double meta refresh =/
Noob Question: What if you didn't want the affiliate manager to know that the link originated in an email? Could you use this tool some kind of way for that?
Noob Question: What if you didn't want the affiliate manager to know that the link originated in an email? Could you use this tool some kind of way for that?
Yes, you can. It's essentially the same thing
Hey Zack,

Thanks for this information. I had never really known that much about P202. I'm checking it out now.

BTW, have you been following this issue?:

Thanks again!
