25 Powerful PR2 - PR5 Links


Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score
25 Powerful PR2 - PR5 Links

That's how many links I need to my homepage to beat out my competition.

How should I go about getting these links?

I would prefer not to buy them, because:

1. GOogle is against it
2. Free is... well... Better!

But in all seriousness, if I need 25 of these links what's the best approach to go out and get them?

You can buy them, just don't go to a service...contact the webmaster directly and negotiate a price per month or flat rate. You can get some good deals if you are willing to invest the time into finding webmasters that will work with you.
Since the beginning of the year, I've been having great luck with commenting on related blogs. Surprisingly, almost none of my links have been removed and I've actually discovered some helpful blogs. Go figure ?!?
I've had some luck with blogs, but problem with blogs is 90% of them are nofollow.

Then the chance to get comments removed/approved.

FINALLY - if the blog is ********, and the comment gets approved - the comments page USUALLY doesn't have high PR. It's the blog home page that has the high PR.

It seems like black hatters would have loads of ways to get high PR links - anyone else?
I would just find a big list of ******** blogs, I will see if I can find the list I used a while back.
Search for "comment Kahuna" its a free software that searches for ******** blogs based on the keyword you input. It also has advanced options such as searching for blogs above of pr1 or pr2 and so on.
Ive had good success with it... got most comments to stick!
You'll be surprised that there are quite a few easy pickins from pr5 and pr6 blogs with unmoderated comments!
Buy them from a link service. Thanks for sharing that link dwayne, also checkout ********.com or something like that, its a search engine