25 minute TV Episodes _ VS _ 45 minute TV Episodes


Junior Member
Jun 8, 2013
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Hello to all TV series lovers out there,

Just recently I started to notice that a lot of new TV series are being released in the 25 minute format instead of a more common 45.
And also we can see that the seasons are becoming shorter, but episodes have much more production value.

What length do you like more 25 or 45 minutes?
I love my weekly 25 minutes of One Piece
The only thing keeps me happy on Sundays and doesn't consume much time eaither
I think it totally depends on the series. If it's a sitcom I think 25 minutes should be enough. If it's something as good as GOT was (before the last few seasons) a 90 minute episode seemed short.
I think it totally depends on the series. If it's a sitcom I think 25 minutes should be enough. If it's something as good as GOT was (before the last few seasons) a 90 minute episode seemed short.

I agree with the content quality, but I think the 25 minute format comes from cutting out all the long, boring, no action dialogue and making cuts from one fast paced scene to another
If tv show is good I want the length to be as long as possible... But not watching anything for the last 2 years. :)

I didn't have enough time to dive in to something longer than 1 season, so basically mini series, but when I discovered a 25 min format it has drastically changed, 2-3 evenings and I'm done with the TV show
I like 45 mins seasons. They have enough time to build better characters and escalate action. The 25 mins episodes can't contain buildup, action, and resolution together. They are too short to have anything from beginning to end.

The worse are the 3-4 hours long series, which could be trimmed into a movie. Some of them are boring even at this length.
you guys still watch tv shows, that shit boring af
It was always 20/25 minutes for each episode on TV here. I discovered only the real lenght of most of them is around 40 minutes online.
Shorter is more digest IMHO.
It was always 20/25 minutes for each episode on TV here. I discovered only the real lenght of most of them is around 40 minutes online.
Shorter is more digest IMHO.

True, I also think that it is easier to manage your time when you are not stuck with a 40 minutes, and if you have a 40 minutes to spare you can enjoy two episodes
20-25 is reserved for comedies and sitcoms, not for other stuff

I think every genre can fit in this time frame, because you can introduce the characters in one episode, or the world, or conflict, and with every next episode just deliver the story