Just one thing, you need to upfront $229 but they give you a refund.
Takes 48 for the vouchers to show up
Exploiting Wild West Domains? Reseller Program
Most of you might be aware of the range of reseller accounts being
offered by Wild West Domains.
They cost $99, $199, and $229 a year, respectively.
Use the following method to get $525 worth of advertising credit
for free..!! ($225 Adwords credit and $300 MSN adCenter credit)
1. Sign up for a Super Reseller Account via the link below
2. You?ll be charged $229 (the cost of the Super Reseller account).
However, remember, you can always take advantage of their 30-
day money back guarantee.
3. Once your sign up is complete, you?ll get promotional codes for
$125 Adwords credit and $200 adCenter credit.
4. Next, create a new Pro Reseller account from within your
reseller control panel. The total cost will be $0 since a Super
Reseller account includes 1 free Pro Reseller account.
You?ll get 2 more promotional codes for $100 Adwords credit and
$100 adCenter credit.
5. You can do whatever you want with the promotional credits.
Use them for your own advertising needs, or simply sell them on
the ?Vouchers? section of Digital Point. You can easily sell them
for a total of $100 or more.
6. Remember to cancel your account within the 30-day period to
avail their money back offer. This way, your total cost incurred
will be $0 and you?ll end up with a net profit of $100 or more
(depending on how much you sell the vouchers for).
You can always create another account, and get more
vouchers. However, to be on the safe side, remember to either
use a different computer, or change your IP address each time
you create a new account.
I would also recommend using a different PayPal address for
each new Super Reseller account you purchase.
Takes 48 for the vouchers to show up
Exploiting Wild West Domains? Reseller Program
Most of you might be aware of the range of reseller accounts being
offered by Wild West Domains.
They cost $99, $199, and $229 a year, respectively.
Use the following method to get $525 worth of advertising credit
for free..!! ($225 Adwords credit and $300 MSN adCenter credit)
1. Sign up for a Super Reseller Account via the link below
2. You?ll be charged $229 (the cost of the Super Reseller account).
However, remember, you can always take advantage of their 30-
day money back guarantee.
3. Once your sign up is complete, you?ll get promotional codes for
$125 Adwords credit and $200 adCenter credit.
4. Next, create a new Pro Reseller account from within your
reseller control panel. The total cost will be $0 since a Super
Reseller account includes 1 free Pro Reseller account.
You?ll get 2 more promotional codes for $100 Adwords credit and
$100 adCenter credit.
5. You can do whatever you want with the promotional credits.
Use them for your own advertising needs, or simply sell them on
the ?Vouchers? section of Digital Point. You can easily sell them
for a total of $100 or more.
6. Remember to cancel your account within the 30-day period to
avail their money back offer. This way, your total cost incurred
will be $0 and you?ll end up with a net profit of $100 or more
(depending on how much you sell the vouchers for).
You can always create another account, and get more
vouchers. However, to be on the safe side, remember to either
use a different computer, or change your IP address each time
you create a new account.
I would also recommend using a different PayPal address for
each new Super Reseller account you purchase.