$20'000+ spanish guy is killing it online


Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
HI guys, i'm from miami. and i want to ask if someone knows if they are active in the spanish market. I see that the spanish market is getting hot right now, can someone share his experience.

Check it out:


Let me know please. thanks guys
I have analized the Spanish market and it is still in diapers. Those 20k you speak about are BS.

That thing just looks like a Spanish version of any crappy get-rich-quick book at clickbank. Good luck getting traffic to it
hi i'm from spain and I don't understand your question. why do you think that spanish market is getting hot?
We do some print advertising in Florida... Spanish markets have always been hot there... although we never targeted them, the majority of calls we would get where Hispanics...
He's talking about the referral link you've cloaked within your domain. I think he doesn't know what cs really is... lool

that's not cloaked that's fuckin iframed lol and iframing is a way of CS, so in part the guy was right and you are wrong :D
Migente.com is a really fast growing social network, and they are click crazy in there. Worth a look!
Migente.com is a really fast growing social network, and they are click crazy in there. Worth a look!

i would like to know how to monetize south-american traffic properly cause i have one website and one forum full of mexicans and brazillians and all i can make is chump change cause there are almost no offers to promote to those guys :rolleyes: hell, even adbrite don't want to show ads to them :D
He's talking about the referral link you've cloaked within your domain. I think he doesn't know what cs really is... lool

Yeah, gotta love the retards who don't know what they are talking about

Specially the second retard who says that framing is the same as CSing
Yeah, gotta love the retards who don't know what they are talking about

Specially the second retard who says that framing is the same as CSing

and i love the retards that don't know how to read, because i didn't say it was the same i said iframes can be used to CS and if you think i'm wrong than that really proves how retarded you are...

better think before you talk, or maybe read more... just because your name is blue that doesn't mean you are smarter or that you know more... it just proves that you spent $97, nothing more...

nuff said...

I'm a Hispanic and for sad that it can be I can tell you there is a lot more money right now into the english speaking/reading market regardless of race type. Besides, hispanic computer-oriented are already being targeted in English!

Now, if I were in Spain, I would definitely target the hispanic market with some sort of products that would be available for such market. I wouldn't apply the same when targeting USA.

The buying power in Latin America and for those who doesn't speak the language in USA is very limited.

You guys actually believe he is asking a legitimate question?
yeah migente click things i think it cause the spanish mexican hispanic market is not really up on the whole afillate link things and such....
i would like to know how to monetize south-american traffic properly cause i have one website and one forum full of mexicans and brazillians and all i can make is chump change cause there are almost no offers to promote to those guys :rolleyes: hell, even adbrite don't want to show ads to them :D

for brazilian traffic I found google to be the better of most.

for latin american traffic I found too many problems

for traffic from spain I found google to be ok.

I have been searching for an advertising agency that deals with latin american traffic, but they all demand way too much, and payout too slowly, it's just cheaper ( and still profitable ) to give it to google without me worrying about receiving money and click shavings.