The point of stock market is it's a fixed sheet of information that's happening during that day, the markets close and restart.
In traditional stock markets the firm or stock commission will have pop up businesses, these businesses rely on funding and people invest in their ideology, they'll see and mentor the business until it's profitable on return the investor being the bank, friend, partner, anyone parents you'll most likely pay them back first.
Most businesses that list on the stock market must provide clear guidelines where the ideals. Behind closed doors allow for privatized development a example would be OPENAI they are not listed on the global market, same as XIOMAI, this allows for privatised investment and in return you receive a enterprise grade product and development into our ideals not what the investor wants meaning they have full control but still need to comply with code of ethics.
Once they decide to launch the company on the market they'll need to compete, the first original investors may merge in with the company or the employees may receive a share towards their employment contract, this would not apply to all businesses, however once listed Market trends can change: example the price is to high, meaning volatile resulting in pump and dump, next we have long term stock they can be good or bad and also come with their risks and tend to be what people do not go for in later stages of the game, why is that?
Information from a reputable advisor, or firm