$200/Month With Adsense 5 Mins A Day in 30 Days!!!


Junior Member
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone see this join the dots challenge?

Sounds like BS to me, but the guy is offering 3x cash back if you fail to make it:


You do this with a 3 page asense site with only 5 minutes a day of work:)!

What you think?
88 dollars to get this. Is anything worth buying at warrior forum ? Not sure any more.
Don't listen to him when he says 3x $$$ back. He isn't going to give it to you. It's just another lame marketing technique to get noobs hyped and buy his product (albeit a good technique b/c obviously he's drawn in 4 pages worth of people).

How to easily rank as a top 5 result in Google for any keyword, no matter what the competition!

Rank me for the term, "google", fag. Not to mention his edited screenshot doesn't even add up correctly to the total.
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So just another lame video series .. I guess there is no easy way to make money. Just have to work hard at it.
I didn't know people still sold dreams, not only that I didn't know people was still buying them.
You know what guys?

Was reading a bit this whole thread at WF... and I think it's all about using typos, which are relatively easy to rank for.

Then you need a high volume kw with a nice CPC and low competion.

It may work and it may not.

PS: yes, i'm convincing more and more it's something like the xfactor method but with typos.
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I didn't know people still sold dreams, not only that I didn't know people was still buying them.
Have you been living on the moon all your life? Because you must not be from planet earth if you didn't know people still sold dreams and people were buying them ;)
F**k it, I'm going to buy it just to outrank the site they will build and rank in their online class.

Isn't the fun worth 88 dollars?
I have no intention of buying it, it can't be better than this:


And this is free!!!


Don't listen to him when he says 3x $$$ back. He isn't going to give it to you. It's just another lame marketing technique to get noobs hyped and buy his product (albeit a good technique b/c obviously he's drawn in 4 pages worth of people).

Rank me for the term, "google", fag. Not to mention his edited screenshot doesn't even add up correctly to the total.
Maybe there might be merit in it, maybe not, but my knee jerk reaction was to feel angry, angry that so many green horns were lining up for the slaughter. Good luck and respect to him, he had the idea and he executed it, but he aint getting my 88.

I don't think it's completely fail because he's going to make his money. He already has Warrior's lining up out the door b/c it IS a good sales page. Many noobs will fall for it.
5 mins daily = 200/month
60 mins daily = 2400/month

I work 5-6 hours everyday, so does that mean if I quit all my work and do this, i'll be able to rake in 10k-15k a month??


HAHA!!!! I asked the OP for read only access to his analytics account, at first he said yes and told me to mail his tech guy and I heard nothing from the tech guy. Today he made a lame excuse after one of his friends made a comment about me being a tirekicker and that I would steal his secrets or something and then the OP told me that I would not get access after all!!! ROFL he must have been shitting himself trying find a way to stall me. Why did I waste my time with that shit, I knew the answer? Maybe I wanted to believe him!!!
LOL you can always find such secret methods in warriror and digital point... Don't do work just collect money... LMAO 5 mins work and $200 bucks and Then that fucktrad is selling his method... I don't think he can make more money by selling it rather then using it on his own...

BTW NOH4T it will cost him time (5 mins = 200 bucks) to make user account, then give access to you, then delete it, talk to you, upsell it, whole night planning how to find excuse to not give you access... Over all he decided he could make more by using his time then selling you... :) Genius