2 1/2 years old and already a BOSS on the laptop


Elite Member
Jan 20, 2011
Reaction score
My little nephew Dylan is the apple of my eye. Im always telling my brother to get his son into computers as early as possible.

So far he can login with his username and password (case sensitive)

Search youtube for "bob the builder"

Upload a picture to Facebook

Look through his nan's Facebook photos

Launch Windows media player and search for his favorite DVD's

He can locate is "special folder" with all his kids stuff in there

Plus a load of other small things.

And if you ask him what to do if the computer stops working... He replies "contwol alt dewete and restart"

I told my brother to teach him how to rip a DVD onto the hard drive next.

Once im back in England, im going to take him under my wing and get him playing around with some WYSIWYG editors and take it from there.

Looks like a bright kid with a great future ahead and in some time we might have him as the youngest member ever on BHW :D
Amagine what he will do at age of 10 year???
He'll probably me making more bank per month at 5 then most BHW members who been here for 2+ years
Legend in the making.. our kids will eat us alive when it comes to IM in a few years, they are born with a laptop in one hand and a smartphone in the other.
Junior social networking moderator :)
Dylan needs an Apple too....


I think he will like those blue colors that advanced dudes like Dylan go wild about...
Give it a few more months and he'd be chilling with us guys on BHW ;)
Hey G-S-T why not to gift a personal Bhw username for future use :)
What a doll, nice to see kids the centerpiece of people's lives. So many kids don't get this sort of attention these days and are more of a problem than a gift.

With that said be careful about introducing so much technology and entertainment at such a young age. There have been plenty of studies that suggest ADHD and other social disorders are a direct result of children being exposed too early to constant media playback or fast pace interaction. Once exposed to this for years before schooling they have a difficult time slowing down to the climate of a typical classroom. They lack attention and/or patience skills, insist on constant attention and thrive on instant gratification. They are bored in classrooms and most of the time intentionally disruptive trying to draw attention to themselves. This is also a direct reflection of the DVD babysitter so many parents use today. They plop the kid down on the sofa and put in a DVD to entertain the child. Children then grow up to expect the same sort of experience in school and when it doesn't work that way they are quite a handful to change.

I don't want to be a thread spoiler but I think a 2 year old should be using legos, crayons and paper. Learning to color inside the lines, create and model something from his own imagination using coordination and cognitive thinking. There will be a lifetime for him to learn computer skills and be bombarded with data and media.

Sorry just the Grandpa in me speaking.
What a doll, nice to see kids the centerpiece of people's lives. So many kids don't get this sort of attention these days and are more of a problem than a gift.

With that said be careful about introducing so much technology and entertainment at such a young age. There have been plenty of studies that suggest ADHD and other social disorders are a direct result of children being exposed too early to constant media playback or fast pace interaction. Once exposed to this for years before schooling they have a difficult time slowing down to the climate of a typical classroom. They lack attention and/or patience skills, insist on constant attention and thrive on instant gratification. They are bored in classrooms and most of the time intentionally disruptive trying to draw attention to themselves. This is also a direct reflection of the DVD babysitter so many parents use today. They plop the kid down on the sofa and put in a DVD to entertain the child. Children then grow up to expect the same sort of experience in school and when it doesn't work that way they are quite a handful to change.

I don't want to be a thread spoiler but I think a 2 year old should be using legos, crayons and paper. Learning to color inside the lines, create and model something from his own imagination using coordination and cognitive thinking. There will be a lifetime for him to learn computer skills and be bombarded with data and media.

Sorry just the Grandpa in me speaking.

I respect your opinion bro. Trust me, he has all kinds of things to aid cognitive learning, lego is one of his favorite pass times, he plays outside in his mini police car and does all the regular stuff children should be doing, falling over, cuts on his knees and other things that help a child learn about life and develop.

Im the first to admit that he is somewhat spoilt, but who doesnt want their child/nephew to have what they want/need to develop into a strong minded adult. I myself suffer from ADHD, in school i was a little shit, i spent more time stood outside the headmasters office than I did inside the classroom. That was because i found the work too easy, i would never do homework, i always got it done in class and still found time to fuck around.

That said, I will make sure Dylan does not make the same mistakes that I did in school. He will continue to progress on computers, while maintaining social skills and doing outdoor activities. The last thing i would want for his upbringing to have an adverse effect on him.

Thanks for your input bro :)
I like how a 2 (almost 3) year old has more computer knowledge than I do >.>
how to ruin a generation, at age 5 he'll probably find porn on the internet...

Everyone is entitled to an opinion but sometimes it is necessary to keep out adult topics out of a subject what if Dylan now views this thread and views your moronic comments...

Please show some integrity and awareness when posting comments that will affect others...

Thanks and no need to reply back - THANK YOU - Please do not debate this in Dylan's thread.