1st Post: Full text RSS feed finder, and CB feed generator


Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hey all, I have been lurking here for a while now and decided to give back a little. I am still a BIG time noob, so I dont know if these sites are gonna be useful to you all, but I hope they help someone out.

Full text RSS feed finder... just type in the feed url and it tries to find the full text version of the feed. Not guaranteed to work, but free, so what the hell. Should be useful for finding full feeds for autobloggers. (Worked for me with WP-o-matic)


This one creates rss feeds with your aff id embedded. I still need to figure out hoe to cloak it but I haven't got that far yet. I am guessing that this is common knowlege stuff to most BHW members, but as a noob, I thought it was cool. Works for egay, amazon, and CB. Also free to use, though they limit you to 1 use per day, and only 1 keyword for targeting your ads.


Hope this helps someone out there...
already been shared many times but good to c u contributing
next time though use the search function to check whether its already been shared
Still much appreciated. I had used the second one before and had forgotten about it.

It's good enough to bear repeating as I still use the feeds and it helps me maintain my #1 position on Google. Thanks!
full text rss generator: