135 add to cart, 38 Checkout initiated, 1 sale?


Banned - Shitlisted and did not do the right thing
Apr 6, 2020
Reaction score
Just close to $500 spent testing ads for new store for my client.

I've literally tweaked everything.. Why checkout is abandoned this much?
2 even add payment info and bail lol.. so they probably not broke audience
What campaign objective are you optimizing for?
Is there any hidden cost like shipping or anything?

Have you tried making a test order yourself to make sure everything is working since the first sale?
It's probably because you messed something up in your ads manager or the pixel, there are 3 different things you need to look at:

1. Your Advertisement:
Misleading or Confusing, Low Quality ...

2. Your Product Page And Overall Feeling:
Bad Product, Poor Copywriting, LQ Images, Confusion, To Much Stuff ...

3. Facebook Does Not Find The Right Person:
Bad Ad Sets, Wrong Demographic, Wrong Ads Manager Settings In General, FB Pixel ...

Look from the outside perspective on your whole online business presentation.

(Small Instagram influencers are also there to promote your stuff)
What campaign objective are you optimizing for?
Yeah, if you aren't optimizing for Purchases you won't get them.

Also, are you targeting a WW audience, you can get cheaper clicks but terrible purchase conversions if you haven't excluded the "clicky" countries.

What is your checkout page like? Multi-step, long form, lots of optional fields? If you have lots of optional fields - remove them.

Do you have trust signals on there i.e) Security certificates, trusted payment providers etc?

If you ship your product, bump your price up and make it free shipping to cover the costs.
75% cancel the order in the basked
You need to work on these page.
Maybe you need to work in your product in order to avoid make your clients undecided. It happens a similar situation to me many optin and no sales but I work on design of my website, user interface, product itself and I make new campaign with some split testing using a focused audience with specific interests and specific demographic. Hope it helps.
Payment method and shipping cost can also explain this
Don't worry
Just optimize your retargeting ads and see
Add those 100% VISA//MSC safe and other 'security' logos at the checkout page?
The interest-audience campaings have a way lower conversion rate, you should make retargeting for (video views + website visitis with no actions + add to cart without iniciatecheckout + iniciatecheckout), if thats doesnt work, you should for sure make some tweaks on your website.