10 Slots Now Available For 1 on 1 Coaching and Mentoring Students


Oct 26, 2008
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We are ready to enroll and register 10 students only for online entrepreneurial classes beginning this Monday December 1, 2008. Registrations will begin today and go until late Sunday or early Monday if necessary.

Registration includes choosing your hours of availability (1 to 2 hours each day for 5 days a week for 2 weeks) and choosing your preferred means of contact (preferably real time) like phone, skype, IM, chat, forum or just email.

Acceptance will also require your commitment to abide by all rules of conduct, commitment to attend all classes and to complete all assignments and your willingness to continue in the program provided you have seen some small successes and are satisfied with your progress and that all parties have a mutually beneficial professional relationship.

You can PM me for more details or just post a request here throughout the remainder of the weekend. If you arrive here Monday or later you can register for classes the following Monday. Registrations will begin again on Wednesday for the next class.

We are limiting the size because this is 1 on 1 training and also because students are receiving funds for their initial participation during this trial period. So this means we are not paying hundreds of people to be our students and are limiting how many people we can have at one time.

This is called "The Free 10 Days To Cash Flow Case Studies".

Case Study Bullet Points

Free Coaching and Mentoring Case Study

We pay you to be our student

You don?t spend any money until you have real live customers

Interactive Global Community so you are never alone

Personalized customizable squeeze pages, splash pages and blogs

We coach and train you to become a professional online and offline marketer

We help to brand you and any legal business of your choice in the marketplace

We do actual professional marketing for you and with you

We do not promise or guarantee any results for anyone. If you don?t have cash in your Paypal account in ten business days or less then you are free to go your separate way. You can badmouth us, call us names or whatever you want.

We have ten slots open for anyone who wants free one-on-one coaching, mentoring and training in online marketing and entrepreneurship for ten days only.

We want them to get cash flow in their Paypal accounts in ten days or less. This coaching, mentoring and training is free for ten days. We are limiting this exclusive one-on-one attention to only ten people because we cannot give that type of attention to thousands of people at one time.

If you get no cash to your Paypal account after ten business days then you are free to quit, leave, complain, accuse us of being scam artists or whatever you want to do. You can also continue if you?d like to but that is entirely up to you the student.

Classes start on Monday with Saturdays and Sundays off. If you don?t have your cash by the end of two Fridays following that Monday, then you will have at least gained some valuable training and daily professional online business operational experience.

How The Program Works

Our twist here is nothing new. We are simply combining existing techniques and disciplines together like Pay-It-Forward techniques along with GPT or Get Paid Today and also the Pre-enroll method using free trials.

The PIF method is where we pay the students rather than them paying us. We are offering $5 to anyone who wants to be a free student for 10 days. The GPT part is because their pay from us and also their customers is paid immediately and not from company commissions.

The $5 will also pay for some of the products they will need so that is how it is 'paid forward'. This will pay for some of their product needs but it?s not just giving them the product free. We are giving them the cash and trusting them to pay for what they will need to use. They will in turn do the same for their students.

The Pre-enroll part is based on getting customers or students enrolled before they spend any money.

The free trial part comes from having full use of the services before actually spending money. If they are not successful (or satisfied) then they can quit or give negative reviews or whatever they want if the results don't please them.

The goal is for each student to get at least 3 students of their own in the 10 day time period. (The 10 day time period excludes weekends) We would also pay their students to enroll. By having students pre-enrolled they now have legitimate customers. It's the ultimate try before you buy. If they can't enroll anyone during the trial period then they have only lost some time and still have hopefully gained some knowledge and experience.

The actual coaching itself is setup like a 10 day boot camp or workshop complete with classroom assignments, lab projects and homework assignments. We will setup a means of contact like phone, skype, IM, chat, forum, etc. We will also setup class times convenient for both parties. We will setup contact times and give out assignments to be completed by the students.

We will try to answer any technical questions or marketing questions that may arise. Everyone will not qualify because the students will have responsibilities as well as the coaches.

We are using standard online and offline marketing methods. There will be no theory or any fancy methods being taught. We are using affiliate marketing, Internet marketing, network marketing and direct response marketing to market generic lead generation and prospecting systems. We will also market training, coaching and mentoring systems by subscription (or lump sum) in addition to training materials, business tools and equipment and various CPA offers to monetize your subscription lists.

We are not hiding any surprises or any upsells. We are all well paid professionals and it is our intention to train and mentor you to be a well paid professional as well. We are not trying to sell you. We are setting the example of how to be successful in the home based business industry by being honest and upfront with any potential student.

The reason for the term 'case study' is because everything will be documented, recorded and archived daily. If there are any problems or complaints during or after the trial period then both sides in the matter will be wide open for anyone else to critique or defend.

The products are affiliate products and network marketing products. Those that have philosophical issues with or are not comfortable with any company or product can decide beforehand not to get involved.

Classroom Subjects

The classroom subjects include YouTube marketing, SEO, PPC, Article marketing, blogging, Social marketing, Ebay, Press releases, free classifieds, traffic exchanges and direct sales marketing.

We will also be outsourcing things like bookmarking submission, classified ad submission, article spinning, SEO services, backlinking and other services as inexpensively as possible to proven quality freelancers.

Class Scheduling and Attendance

New classes will start each Monday and will allow new members. This would make for concurrent classes one finishing up week two while newbies would be beginning week one. Classes would not exceed one hour per day. This would be a maximum of 2 hours per day for concurrent classes. This would also allow restarts for students who couldn't complete assignments for whatever reason and fell behind class or had to stop altogether for some reason.

The lessons will be pre-recorded and the assignments have deadlines. So this will make lesson and homework times flexible and pose no substantial barrier for International student participation or the varying work schedules of different students. This is why your preferred means of reliable real time contact and communication is important and your hours of availability for your training and your daily business maintenance and operation.

Purpose Of Classrooms and Coaching Method

The main purpose of personal contact, mentoring, training and coaching is accountability and also the effect of community on your progress. Accountability and the group community aspect have proven to be very effective for decades in helping individuals to successfully make drastic changes in their circumstances.

Student's Responsibilities

We as teachers, trainers and coaches have a responsibility to deliver top quality instruction, service and accessibility. Students also have a responsibility to attend all classes, to complete any required homework assignments, lab projects and class assignments and to cooperate fully with your assigned coaches.

Realistic Expectations

BTW the earnings would not be immediately in the thousands for new students. Most of the coaching affiliate programs are monthly residual checks of anywhere from $15 to $30 each month. They would make anywhere from $50 to $116 monthly from each student they enroll. It is recommended to have another product based business alongside the coaching services to provide long term monthly income.

We are not making any exaggerated or inflated claims about making thousands of dollars quickly. It is not impossible and yes it does happen often but that is not what we are focusing on for every single student in only a few days.
Very interesting take on coaching.... i would be interested in trying this out the following monday (as my internet is getting cut off for 5 to 10 days from this monday due to me moving house).

Thank you
Work on your communication first before you start a thread with your coaching stuff, I applied before and you said you will contact me that night with further instructions and never heard back from you again....
I'll give this a go. Perhaps I can pick up on some of the finer points instead of filling in the blanks as I go.

PM me with details, contact info & requirements.
Work on your communication first before you start a thread with your coaching stuff, I applied before and you said you will contact me that night with further instructions and never heard back from you again....

That thread was for informational and exploratory purposes only. My schedule is also somewhat limited. I only have very specific hours available for real time correspondence. I was mainly looking for feedback and believe I mentioned to you that the classes would not begin until Monday.

As I mentioned earlier this was the holiday week here in the US. Any informational requests were all being worked on in preparation for classes. We are now officially in the pre-registration and enrollment phase. That would include any requested information being forwarded or questions being answered.

I am PMing you some info and will need a little info from you to complete your pre-registration.

Thanks again for the inquiry.
Ok, thanks for explaning, because in the PM that you send me before you mentioned you would send me the information that night, but ok..

Waiting for your PM :)
Hi! im very interested and would like to take the opportunity...
jacobs, I am not running this lessons you messaged the wrong guy lol
I'm very interested in that.
PM me as soon as possible so I don't lose the slot. =]
Hello I am a new to internet marketing, looking for some one on one coaching. This would be a great opportunity for me to learn and be more effective in my seo and internet marketing ventures. Can you please tell me if you still have slots available. Thank you
Be carefull people

What he lacks to make clear is that he will pay for you to start with these companies.... that you signup under his refferal link so that he makes an initial commission.... then he spends his time teaching you for 10 days but then after those 10 days you have to pay full price for each company that you are with for you to continue to receive commissions from your customers..... so this may work out well for some people but others no. This is a very clever marketing method to earn alot of money if this works for him and when it does it will work well.

By all means just take the 10 days free use the cash on the programs make some cash and then bugger off with your new skills but honestly if your looking to stay on longterm then i highly suggest to look elsewere.
Be carefull people

What he lacks to make clear is that he will pay for you to start with these companies.... that you signup under his refferal link so that he makes an initial commission.... then he spends his time teaching you for 10 days but then after those 10 days you have to pay full price for each company that you are with for you to continue to receive commissions from your customers..... so this may work out well for some people but others no. This is a very clever marketing method to earn alot of money if this works for him and when it does it will work well.

By all means just take the 10 days free use the cash on the programs make some cash and then bugger off with your new skills but honestly if your looking to stay on longterm then i highly suggest to look elsewere.

Thanks for the review Lewi! :)
Be carefull people

What he lacks to make clear is that he will pay for you to start with these companies.... that you signup under his refferal link so that he makes an initial commission.... then he spends his time teaching you for 10 days but then after those 10 days you have to pay full price for each company that you are with for you to continue to receive commissions from your customers..... so this may work out well for some people but others no. This is a very clever marketing method to earn alot of money if this works for him and when it does it will work well.

By all means just take the 10 days free use the cash on the programs make some cash and then bugger off with your new skills but honestly if your looking to stay on longterm then i highly suggest to look elsewere.

I appreciate your honest review. I suppose I was not clear enough that this is a free trial period.

I am spending money upfront on the student. If the student fails to generate a profit then the student is free to leave. If the student does generate a profit then it is hoped that the student will then upgrade because during this free trial:

(1) he received cash and
(2) pre-enrolled customers in a relatively short turn around period.

The emphasis is on Pre-enrollment and Paying It Forward. Both of which require integrity on the part of all parties involved in order for this system to work successfully with potentially thousands of future participants.
Looked interesting at first then after the smell test looks too piramidy (pyramid scheme)for me...
Looked interesting at first then after the smell test looks too piramidy (pyramid scheme)for me...

It is just like pyramid sales... your time is probably better off reading this forum and some of the ebooks on affiliate marketing and marketing in general and going to promote clickbank products or other products similar.
Be carefull people

What he lacks to make clear is that he will pay for you to start with these companies.... that you signup under his refferal link so that he makes an initial commission.... then he spends his time teaching you for 10 days but then after those 10 days you have to pay full price for each company that you are with for you to continue to receive commissions from your customers..... so this may work out well for some people but others no. This is a very clever marketing method to earn alot of money if this works for him and when it does it will work well.

By all means just take the 10 days free use the cash on the programs make some cash and then bugger off with your new skills but honestly if your looking to stay on longterm then i highly suggest to look elsewere.

Thanks for posting this lewi, I now feel more 'fully' informed on this programme... sometimes its what people 'dont' tell you that is important.

I wish you the best of luck with this 5000, but I will give it a miss now.
Okay people I am back. I have been pretty busy setting everything up and finishing some things in addition to running everywhere.

Tomorrow classes will begin. It's a little late but we are coming in under the wire. We have some students ready to go. There are some last steps left to complete before we can begin classes and start issuing your payments. Payments will be by Paypal only and will be distributed after your first assignment has been completed.

There may be a little miss depending on when you complete assignments or what your hours of availability are for training and business operation.

We will be posting daily progress so others can review and learn from what the new students are accomplishing. You will learn but you must implement to benefit from this training. Students will be actively promoting in the marketplace as well as learning and setting up systems and getting cash flow.

Thanks for the feedback and we hope to work with many more of you in the coming weeks.
Yeah, I gotta say...after looking over the PM info and the various links on the blog, I think I'll give this a pass. Interesting idea...I may even implement a spin of it myself.
