Ok dude, here's the deal. I'm no whiz but I've read these boards and I did manage to put up a site after learning a few things that is now bringing in $3-4/day in Adsense off of 100+ unique visitors.
With your blog, I'm trying to figure out if this is your personal blog or if it is a blog for technology. The domain makes me think it's a tech blog but the content (article about boxing) makes it look like it's a mixture of crud. I have a personal blog but I don't put Adsense on it because a) I'm not that interesting and b) I like to talk about a number of things (i.e. religion, technology, personal stuff and sports). When I blog personally, I don't necessarily want to write about what the hottest gidget or gadget is, I want to write about what's on my mind. That said, you
can use Google Trends to research the hottest topics going on RIGHT NOW and blog about those and it could help you out.
If it is a tech blog and you are wanting to make money off of it, it needs to target a specific niche with keywords/phrases all up in that mug. Focus on keywords that have a good KEI which means they have a good ratio of searches with search engines to the level of competition out there for that specific key word. If it's a high KEI, that is a good indicator that it is a good keyword.
What I did with my site was set those important, good-KEI keywords as my categories and began to add content based on those keywords. There are a number of ways to do this but you can look on these forums for automatic blogging stuff or you can just do it the old fashioned way - yourself.
Whether you focus on a specific niche or this is a personal blog - you need to be pinging your site every time you write a new article. Say for instance, you see on Google Trends that a lot of people are looking for "Hottest Technology Gadgets of 2008." I would write an article on the Top 5-10 gadgets and ping it with the title "Hottest Technology Gadgets of 2008". Most blogging programs have pingers built in but if not, use the Pingler.
I went ahead and did a little KW research for you with "technology" as the basic keyword to give you an idea of what you might be up against. You can take any of these keywords and dig even deeper within them to find a more specific niche. It's for your review to give you an idea, not something you have to use.
I don't want to mentor anyone, I'm still learning and a "pro" might come on here and tell you that everything I told you was completely wrong but what you've read above has worked wonders for me.
Like anything else with IM, keyword research is vital!
I'd suggest you read these forums for WEEKS if not MONTHS before posting again. Test some stuff out, see what works, what doesn't and once you get a good formula - do it again.
Hope this helps!
Attachment below! Thanks always appreciated!