Thanks @se900se ! I was hoping to get your thoughts on this one :)
Your method is different from what this site is using currently. Just search for 'quiz diva revenue' or 'quiz diva answers' and you will see tons of reddit/youtube threads which have answers for their quizzes so that users can...
Also this quiz site has both Taboola + Google AdSense ads. So I guess any quiz site makers reading can try this new method and report back. Going to be a while before I can try it
Just did some reading. In theory, Google Adsense does not explicitly disallow paid traffic. They say that as long it is not by bots its OK: In practice I think they suspend ads if there is a lot of paid traffic coming through
My question to members is, any ideas on how to get started with this method? I currently have a quiz site running with <20 quizzes, hoping to get AdSense approval and Hooligan Media approval in a few weeks. This method seems like pure gold to me and I have a rough roadmap for it too
Im not sure if I should mention the site name here but this site gets >5M visits every month and is probably making >40,000$ per month. If you do a cursory search for it there are tons of websites and YouTube videos which have guiudes on how to get 100% on their quizzes to get the SwagBucks or...
So I just discovered that a very popular Quiz Website is getting a ton of traffic by advertising their quizzes on Swagbucks and other similar platforms where users can do tasks to get a small amount of cash.
The way it seems to work is
Quiz Website works with an advertising company...
Quick Update. I currently have 14 Quizzes on my Website. Each quiz has only about ~100 words in the intro so I will need to re-write this later. Hoping to hit 30-50 Quizzes before I start applying to Ad Networks. Working on setting up social accounts and making my site neat and clean as well...
Hi everyone,
After seeing many members making Quiz Journeys here, I was inspired to try my hand at it too. I am also working on an Amazon affiliate website which is in its infancy (~$100/month earnings) so this is a supplement to that. I also have a day job so these efforts are supplemental...
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